❊❇ ↝ EQSOL | Jin | Mellow Lead Rapper, Vocalist ↜ ❇❊

seo yeojin

symphonies / dannie / 8.5

character name

Seo Yeojin (Korean)
Catherine Seo (English)


YeoYeo : Her little sister uses this nickname, since she's a rapper "And rappers go "yo yo, right? get it?"
 The Big Unnie : International fans call her this, putting a spin on "The Big Kahuna" (since she's from Hawaii) and the fact that she's the big sister of the group.
Anjinel : k-fans call her this for her sweet nature and smile, puts a spin on her stage name and that Blossom are called "The Angels of Korea"
Pickles : A childhood nickname that her sister uses, and now her boyfriend knows and uses it "to be cute". He usually just gets hit.
Sugar : A couple nickname between her and her sister that they came up with, because Jin is more like sugar, being sweet, but too much can give you a headache.
Pele : The nickname between her and sister, based on the Hawaiian goddess. Pele protected and basically raised her sister Hi'iaka, so it fits.

birthdate & age

March 8th, 1990 : 24


Hale'iwa, Oahu, Hawaii


Busan, South Korea






English : fluent : Her first language, since she techniaclly lived in America, so she did learn this one first, and still speaks it very well.
Korean : fluent : Since she's lived in Busan since age 7, she has an accent, but it's not as strong as others, and she's told she sounds American on more than one occasion.
Hawaiian : conversational : She lived there for seven years, and frequently talked in the native language with the locals. She continues using it with her sister.
Japanese : learning : With her intelligence, she's picking it up faster than the other girls, but she's still definitely learning like them.

My Beauty.

face claim & backup

Park Shin Hye (gallery)
Irene Kim (gallery)

164 cm
54 kg


Jin has a very mature sense of style. She sees it as this: She's 24, she's definitely not a teenager, and she wants to be married soon. She needs to dress like she's ready for the rest of her life. While she does have to become "cute" to match Blossom's concepts most of the time, you can tell she's definitely the mature big sister of the group, especially when she dresses for vareity shows or interviews.

the inside.


On the bright side, Jin is a very motherly, loving person. She greatly cares about her friends and her sister, going to great lengths to ensure that they're comfortable and in good health. She has a sense where she can tell if something's up, so she will always be there if you need it. She often goes to the manager to request things for the group if the younger members are too shy or unwilling to do so. She has a sense of authourity that gets people to listen, even if she's not the one in charge. She has a great sense of leadership and always encourages others to do their best, not wanting them to give up if the going gets rough. If the going does get rough, Jin can think quickly and figure out some possibilities for a solution. She's very intelligent and takes that with pride.

With positives, there are negatives. Jin, as a sister, is very, very overprotective. To a point where she insists that her sister is too young (or any of the younger members beyond 94/95) for a y concept, and frequently reminds the younger girls of their age and that they have a lot of to learn. As one of the older girls, she makes sure to keep her maturity around her, but sometimes she just has resting face, trying to keep her emotions from getting the better of her. While she's good at making decisions and speaking, sometimes she oversteps her boundaries, pulling what she believes the others are feeling, sometimes even pointing out a member personally. She thinks she knows best, but she really doesn't sometimes. However, she won't ever admit she's wrong unless you can specifically state where she was wrong. She'll apologize, but never willingly.


The Beach : Living in Hawaii, you kind of fall in love with the beautiful beaches.
History : Her favorite subject, she has a sizable knowledge about all kinds of history.
Shopping : It's a nice way to have bonding time with the members and find cute clothes at the same time.
Performing : Whether it be acting or singing and dancing, Jin will always loves what she does.
Watching Kdramas : Since she's starred in some, she finds it fun to watch and pick out which role she would've wanted to audition for.
Pickles : Regardless of how much she hates the nickname, she does love the condiment.
Schedules : She likes having order, a set place to go to, a set time to be there, all of that stuff.
Photography : It's a nice relaxing hobby of hers, however she has no clue how 'selcas' or any of the photo based apps on smart phones work.
School : She loves learning, and plans to go to college. She says that if she weren't an idol, she'd probably be studying for her doctorate in History.


Storms : She's not fond of loud noises or people, and storms fall under the catergory.
Being wrong : She's a know-it-all, and she doesn't like being wrong and having it pointed out.
American TV : She thinks it's cheesy and lacks acting finesse. Her sister just says she's being pretentious.
Sour things : The only exception is pickles. She will refuse to eat if the dish is sour tasting. She definitely more of s sweets person.
Disorganization : Do not let her in your room if it's not clean. In a hour it'll be completely rearragned and you won't find anything.
The Dating Rule : She and YG have butted heads about this numerous times. She wants to be allowed to date, since she's older and wants to be married. YG argues that her career needs to come first for now.


She attended several underground rapping events, meeting and becoming good friends with BTS' RapMon and Suga.
Huge fan of TVXQ, Super Junior, and J.Y. Park himself.
At fan meets, she's usually asking the fans if they're doing well in school, if they've eaten, etc., really playing up her mom/big sister image.
She and her sister are both apart of Mensa, graduating in the top 1% of their classes. Jin's IQ is about 143.
She says people can hate on her all she wants, but do not say a word about her sister.
She's the cook for EQSOL, having experienced cooking all the time back at home.
Her ideal type is someone quiet, but cute, and has to be mature and want to have children.
Usually shipped with BTS' Suga and RapMon (because they're very close, even with the age difference), Leo (because they match each other's ideal types) and Eric Nam, because of her time as an MC on After School Club.

the dream.

stage name



The Hardworking Big Sister


Little Siblings

fanclub color





Mellow Lead Rapper, Vocalist (Fierce Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Vocalist)

vocal twin


rap twin

Bora(Park Sihyun).

dance twin


trainee years

3 years at JYP, 4 at YG (7 years total)

trainee life

JYP was the first to recongize Jin's talents, only it wasn't as an idol. Jin was originally an actress, and JYP seized the opportunity to use her in popular dramas and ultitize her skills. As much as Jin loved acting, it wasn't her main goal. But, she respected JYP too much to go against him, and contented herself with her small roles in dramas and practicing in the underground events and with some fellow trainees in the idol section. It wasn't until she actually did sing/rap on one of her drama roles that she was recongized as a potential idol. YG was the first one to contact her, asking her to come in to audtion. At first, she said no. She was loyal to her company and YG understood. He told her that the option was always open if she ever changed her mind. And she though she wouldn't, until she overheard that there wouldn't be efforts to put together another girl group under JYP until about 2015. She was horrifed, especially with the rumor going around that she'd have to compete for the spot. She didn't think that was fair, and as much as she loved and respected JYP, she didn't want to wait that long in order to debut. So she gave YG a call. Once netizens got ahold of that news, they tore her apart, calling her a traitor to the man who gave her so much. Even now, after her debut, netizens are saying terrible things under her breath, even though JYP and Jin are still on very very good terms. 

Training at YG was a lot more difficult than she thought. The hours were long, the tests and evaluations were harsh and demanding for nothing less than perfection. She honestly felt like giving up 2 years into her training at YG. But, with her sister looking up to her, she kept pushing herself. Her sister, she'll say, was the only reason she kept going, especially after her sister joined at the tail end of 2012 to train with her. She pushed herself to the best at what she could do, and when YG contacted her saying that she and her sister were being considered for the first ever mega-unit, she was pleased. She knew that her hard work and strong face got her through training. Now she needed to get through debut.

pre-debut experience

Dream High 2 as Nana/Kim Jae-Hee
Mimi as Mimi
You Who Came from the Stars as Yoo Se Mi
Cameo in Dream Knight featuring GOT7 as Joo In Hyung's school friend.
ASC host with Eric Nam and Kevin (plans on returning as an MC after debut)

the outside.


Jin was born in Hale-iwa on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, being the oldest and thought to be the only child. Her parents were both content with staying in the islands for the rest of their lives, but unfortunately, life likes to throw curve balls. This curve ball happened to be named Seo Yerin, seven years later. Yeojin was estatic to have a baby sister, and took her position as big sister very seriously, always asking her mother if the baby needed anything. She was persistent. One day, her mother got a call from her family back in Korea. Her mother was sick, and since her father was already gone, this was hard news to hear. Yeojin moved to Korea with her family to look after her grandmother when she was 8. At first, it was hard, seeing that her parents were busy trying to help her grandmother, but Yeojin soon took the role of caring for baby Yerin. She helped her younger sister learn Korean, and when she was old enough, atarting walking with her to school. 
At 13, her grandmother officially passed away. Her parents went back to work after the funeral, deciding to teach their children how to be self sufficient because of their long work hours. Since her mother was a certified cook and pastry chef, Yeojin learned how to cook very very well, so she was able to, once again, care for her little sister as her parents went off to work. It was there where Jin discovered acting and performing. She adored the stage, and she loved being able to perform on stage with others and be in the center of attention. She rarely got it, seeing as she's usually caring for her little sister, so it became her sort of escape. However, their studies were of the upmost priority to her, wanting she and her baby sister to do their best so they could graduate and go on to do great things. It wasn't Jin's plan A, however, and when she was old enough, she decided to ask.
At 17, she asked permission to audition for JYP. Her father laughed, saying that if she got into Mensa, sure, she would be able to do so. So that's exactly what Jin did. She studied, since she was in the top 1% of her class, she was given permission to take the exam for entrance into the program. A few weeks later, she was given the news that she had indeed passed. In her father's shock, he agreed to allow her to audition. So she went straight to JYP, the artist that got her into Kpop in the first placed, and was beyond estatic to hear that she was let in, and then her journey began.


▪ Seo Dongwoo | Father | In most eyes, people would considerthe two distant, and in a way, that's exactly what it is. It's not like Dongwoo isn't proud of his daughter, in fact he is. He's beyond so that she proved him wrong, and although he feels a little guilty that he gave her such a lofty goal in order to pursue her dream, the fact that she acheived it makes it even more amazing. Dongwoo promises that he'll be both his daughters number 1 fans once they debut.
▪ Nam Ga In | Mother | Although she taught Yeojin all there was to know about cooking, she really didn't do much for either of her girls. She was so immersed in helping her own mother, that she forgot she was one herself. She wishes her daughters the best in all that they do, as long as they can support themselves.
▪Seo Yerin | Little Sister | The age difference between the two didn't phase them in the least. Yerin absolutely adores her big sister, wanting to be just like her. In all honestly, Yerin looks to her sister for most things, seeing that Jin was the one who raised her. Yerin is definitely more intelligent, in Yeojin's opinion, because Jin made sure to start her learning early. Jin is very proud and protective of her baby sister.
▪Nam Shin Hye | Grandmother | She was the reason that Jin was brought to Korea, and although she was sick for a majority of her memory, when she was well enough, she would teach the two younger girls basic Korean so they could communicate if they needed to go out and buy anything. Her grandmother tried, and although there wasn't much of a relationship, Jin really appreciated her.



▪Min Yoongi "Suga" | Best Friend | She met him at an underground rapping meet. She sort of stuck out like a sore thumb, so he approached her, asking what she was doing here. She told him she was here to learn, and he sort of showed her around, eventually introducing her to Namjoon. She frequently mentions these two when asked about friends in the industry, and you can tell they're close by the way she uses their first names instead of their stage names. Suga was called once as a speed quiz on a radio show, eventually making Jin promise to come and visit them, because "Other Jin needs a break of being mom." 
▪Kim Namjoon "RapMon" | Best Friend | Meeting through Yoongi, he appreciated having an older sister fiture in his life. He frequently goes to her for advice, and mentions wanting to do collaberations with not only her, but her sister as well. He called her during a radio show, and ended up having to apologize for his 'noona' for only calling her when he was asked to. He's very fond of both Seo sisters, but it's obvious he's got more of a soft spot for the older sister.
▪JYP | Mentor/Father Figure | When Jin first heard his song "Honey" when she was 10, she wanted to meet him, and got into kpop through the solo artist. While she likes other groups, JYP has always been her favorite, which is why she auditioned for his company first. JYP and she had a very good relationship, treating her like a daughter and giving her roles to act as. While he wasn't happy that he lost one of his favorite trainees to YG, he supports her and they're still on very good terms.
▪Bae Suzy | Good Friend | They met on the set of Dream High 2, and got along very well. Suzy was younger than Jin, and like most others, was glad to have an older sister figure in her life. She supported Jin's decision to want to become an idol, and even made her promise that their groups would one day compete for the number 1 spot on music shows.


My Love.


love interest

Jung Taekwoon (Leo)

Birthdate & Age

November 10th, 1990 : 24


183 cm


63 kg


Much like how he is on camera, Leo is usually a very quiet, to himself sort of man. He doesn't speak up or try and bring attention to himself, more content to let his fellow members take over and be the crazy ones. He's very dedicated to his fans and to his group, giving it his all when it comes to work. He takes very good care of s, and is very touched when a fan praises him or the group. His weakness is children, as you can see from fancams during fanmeets. He loves children, and smiles and fawns over them. He just really loves kids, because they usually aren't too scared of him, and want him to pick them up (and he'll gladly do it). He's also very active, loving sports, especially soccer. He usually plays it witht he other members when there's time after schedules or on a day off. Deep down, he's a big romantic, believeing in love at first sight and basing most of his ideas of love on feelings, not looks. He thinks that the feeling between two people is much more important than the look of the person. He's one to not judge a book by the cover, especially since he's judged by his looks a lot, being mistaken for cold, distant and uncaring. He's actually a genuine, caring person. He just doesn't have a lot to say.


Leo met Jin while she was hosting on ASC with Eric Nam, and immediately liked her. She had stood up for him when some of the guys had pressured him to speak, and she immediately spoke up, "You know, it doesn't matter that he doesn't talk much, his eyes say a lot more if you just pay attention." He quietly thanked her, while she was put under fire for admiring the quiet member of VIXX. She was able to combat the comments easily, and after the show, before they left,they were able to talk a bit. Jin didn't pressure him to say much, and when he did, she was very attentive and let him finish before responding. Leo was very appreciative of that, and they promised to meet up and talk more as he left. 
They didn't really see each other until after Blossom debuted, and VIXX watched their debut video. Leo thought the group was very cute, but couldn't not watch the girl that had piqued his interest all those months ago. Soon, Blossom and VIXX were paired up on Running Man, and both of the older members of their group were happy to see each other once more, insisting to exchange numbers before filming was over so they could keep in touch. Anyone could tell that Jin and Leo got along and were very close, even though they hadn't known each other for very long. 
Then came their constant talking to each other via phone and text. Since Blossom was always promoting, Leo hardly had time to speak with her, but always made the most of it when he could manage to. Jin made efforts to understand technology so she'd be able to communicate with him better. (she may be extremely intelligent but she's definitely not a tech person) Whenever they couldn't have a full conversation, one of them would always text the other at some point, wishing them a good day, or to practice hard, and that they would like to meet up soon. On free weekends, netizens and Dispatch started to catch Leo get into a car and head off somewhere, and it wasn't a company car. Immediately rumors surfaced, trying to figure out who's car he was getting into, and if the person was girl, were they dating? YG recongized Jin's car, and demanded to know if she and Leo were dating, because it wasn't the two year anniversary of EQSOL's debut yet, and having a scandal like this break out would damage the girl's reputations. She admitted that they were discussing dating, however, the time that Dispatch caught the two in the car, it was actually to take Leo to one of his schedules. He was scheduled later in the day, so the rest of the group left without him , and since they were 'good friends', Jin came to take him. YG was able to fend the gossip columns with this, pointing out the times that Jin and Leo were seen together normally, and no one thought anything of it, so why change that mindset when they're just using a car now?
YG warned Jin about the dating rule, saying that she really did have to wait until the end of the year of 2017 to say anything, so Jin did, and as soon as the New Year happened, she and Leo made things official, annoucing it a few weeks later. They're very happy together, and plan to be for a very long time, if the couple rings they have on say anything.  

back-up love interest

Min Yoongi (Suga)

Birthdate & Age

March 9th, 1993 : 22


176 cm


57 kg


What you see is what you get with Suga, and that's a laidback, easygoing guy who likes to goof off just as much as the other members of his group. However, he knows when to get serious and start putting some hard work into the mix. He's grateful for his fans, and with their cheers he knows he needs to give it his all in every performance. He started from the bottom, and now he's here (i'm sO SORRY IT'S SO LAME--) so he won't let his hard work go to waste. 


They were friends much longer than their interest in each other. While BTS were going through the 'I NEED U' promotions, Jin was going through her debut stages, so they were able to see each other a lot more. Jin just about tackled Suga when they were given their first win, and Suga was more estatic about getting a hug from the older girl than he was about holding the trophy, much to his confusion. He was in denial about how he felt towards her for a very long time, until Namjoon jokingly said that Jin would be a perfect wife, in his opinion. He immediately turned to the young leader and told him to not even think about it, to which he responded "Then do something about it before someone else does, dummy." so Suga went about trying to win over Jin. It was strange, for sure, since she was older, but Suga was persistent and with a bit of begging and his old fashioned charm (aka Jin already liked him well enough anyways) she decided to tentatitvely date. 
The rest is very similar to what happens with Leo and Jin so I'll just leave that as that, if that's okay~ uwu

last messages.


I applied!! Twice~ I've always wanted to do a sister pairing, so the Seo girls came to be ouo ;;; I hope that's okay? Let me know if I need to fix anything!

scene request

Jin and Rin scenes omg the sisters pls
Collab stages with other groups? 
Jin being the bossy big sister she is and one of the more patient/motherly girls calming her down (they could be the mom/dad duo lol)
Love Interest scenes would be A+ with all the girls


Flashback / Short Hair / First Love / Fandom name: EQuals ?? so its gender neutral, I feel a neutral fandom name vibe from YG so like... yeah ;;;



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