EXO NEXT DOOR! ended ;_;

AWW guys!! There I was, having so much fun watching this lovely, diabetes-inducing level of sweet, high-fat cheesy, sickenigly adorable series and they did not just scream "LAST EPISODE" in my face! Chanyeol is so cute and adorable. I'm going to miss his acting! ;_; As I am going to miss the rest of the dorks ;_;

Kyungsoo was so cute with his unrequited love acting. Gosh! 

And Sehun! OMG! Man, what are you?! I was cracking over his scenes with the female protagonist's brother. Sehunnie, ya rock! :D

I'm going to really really miss it, though the ending was rather sweet. Aww. Pleasemakeasequel!

Now I need to find something else of EXO to watch *sigh* You just cannot have enough of these guys, can you? ;)

Okay now gonna go check out the 'Love me right' teaser :D


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the MV is out check it out