
I kinda have a small problem. I've posted videos on my blogs before, but for some reason everytime I embed and post it nowdays, it just shows up as a blank frame and it makes me mad.

I've tried to do on my laptop and computer, but it doens't help.

I tried it again today, but again just a blank box that says "U Frame It" or something like that.

Could someone explain to me why it won't work. I mean I haven't done anything different.

1. Click the share button.

2. Go to Embem and copy and fast the link

3. Paste it in the Post box.

I do those three steps, nothing. I've done it before and it worked, but now it won't. People were able to view the videos in my blogs before, but now it's just blank.

Could someone help me?? Or explain what is going wrong?? Or if I need to update something??

I would really appreciate if someone could answer me.

I need help =)


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I tried posting a video on here but it wouldn't show up at all so I just shared the link instead