Ẍ♏Ѻ/♓ℯαя⊥ ℭαłℓ/Ѧ¢ε ϴḟ ℋ℮@ґ☂ṧ ✘ Jung Minji ✘ #6




BACKGROUND + Minji Jung, the daughter of a ramyeon shop. It sounds cliche, but she's proud of it. Gwanghwamun was the perfect place, because there were a lot of people in the morning ( it helped their shop a lot ) and at night, it was quiet and windy - the perfect atmosphere. Minji and her family humbly lived above it, but when they expanded the shop, they had to move a few blocks away from it. She studied in Seoul School of Performing Arts ( SOPA ), a famous art school where most idol stars went to, because she also wanted to be a pop star. It was a bit hard getting in, though, but nonetheless, she got in. She pursued college at Seoul National University, where she took up accountancy. Minji had to halt her studies because of her becoming a trainee, though. She devoted all her time to practicing, so she couldn't be a burden to other members.

Before being an official trainee in Pledis Entertainment, Minji auditioned in several companies. Cube accepted her; she trained there for 2 months and the other trainees there weren't cold but weren't too nice either. She was accepted into JYP after training in CUBE, practicing for almost one year. In JYP, there were a lot of nice people but Minji couldn't continue because of company reasons. She auditioned again in TS Entertainment and she was qualified, but a lot of trainees there were rude to her, calling her names and verbally abusing her. Because of their words, she started to feel hurt and soon enough she couldn't focus much on practicing, resulting many complaints and criticism from the staff of TS. She tried her best to ignore those trainees but in the end, TS told her she wasn't good enough to be there and be an idol. She almost went under depression, and if it wasn't for Pledis Entertainment, she wouldn't have been able to rise.

Minji thought the company was really good, because first of all, most trainees there were all friendly to her, the teachers who taught them singing, dancing and rapping were really good and she felt like she was comfortable training there. Fortunately, a lot of trainees became her friend and she no longer felt lonely, unlike before. Several times she wanted to give up ( because of the pressure and some rude trainees who seized every chance to criticize her ), but because her family was cheering on her and Mingyu was there with her (and because of her ambitious personality as well), she tried her best to get up. Her family is currently continuing to run their ramyeon business and her younger brother Seunghyub is attending middle school. She occasionally comes home when she misses them too much or when she has a free day.

POSITION + ( #6 ) Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
PERSONA + The All-round Brightness; meaning she has a lot of skills that make others happy
SINGING TWIN + Dal Shabet's Woohee
RAPPING TWIN + Red Velvet's Irene
DANCING TWIN + miss A's Min
TALKING TWIN + 15&'s Jimin
UNDER THE GROUP ... Heart Call (Pledis Entertainment)
... #4 Heart Call (Pledis Entertainment)

PERSONALITY + To start off, Minji is a very versatile girl. She's strange, really, as she likes having fun anytime or anywhere she is. Even when she's being scolded or when her members just had a big fight, she's always positive. No one can tame her, though, except for a few people - some staff, the boss and Mingyu. In the dorm, when she doesn't want to get up from bed, the members try and budge her but she doesn't. They have to call her dearest boyfriend Mingyu first, before she gets up. She's only obedient to a few. Also, since we're in that topic, why don't I tell you about how she push and pulls? This happens especially when she's bored. Her members know by now that she's kind of childish, because one time, Minji called one of the members and told her she'd be waiting at the vending machine for them. When they went, she wasn't there, only to find out that she left a note saying, 'Oops... did I say vending machine? Come find me at the cafeteria!' with a childish smiley. However, even though she's a bit immature, she keeps a lot of secrets well. Unlike others, she can act a bit more naturally and keep sealed tightly. She never uses this against her members, and that's also a positive thing about her.

If we talk about ambition, Minji can top it off. She is usually very determined to achieve or obtain a certain objective (a challege, mostly). Apart from being desirous of accomplishing her dreams, she is also ambitious in making jokes. Usually, when she does, most people just stare blankly at her, as if she is telling the time of the day instead of joking. Even then, Minji tries to laugh and cover it lamely by waving it off. She doesn't give up amidst that and promises to herself she's going to try being real funny next time and learn a thing or two from a real comedian. Although she's ambitious, she's also a bit selfish. Especially towards food. She doesn't really know why, but she just feels a drop in her stomach when she shares with her members (and even other people). Minji doesn't like not sharing, but she can't help it. She feels like that food is hers, and all hers - if they want it, then they get it from somewhere else, but not from her. Even her boyfriend makes sure to get his own share, and not from hers.

Last but not least, being amusing. She is a positive girl, but she usually doesn't like it if you make fun of her. Her members laugh at her fail jokes all the time, and she always pouts when they do, making them more amused. Even if she doesn't do anything, she's simply amusing. Especially when she's confident (ambitious to do it) and fails - oh, don't let me get started on that. She also smiles a lot and is bright, and honestly, I don't know how she keeps up with herself even though she's under a lot of pressure (from the company) and stress (from schedules). Minji can be very amusing in that sense, because she's a fool and she's always smiling like a creep. Overall, Minji is a bundle of negativity and positivity, just like how a normal, imperfect person should be.

push and pulls


was born on SEPTEMBER 1, 1997 from a KOREAN father and a KOREAN mother in GWANGHWAMUN, SEOUL. Currently 19 ( 18 is her international age ) years old, she grew up in gwanghwamun, seoul, S. KOREA thus making her fluent in KOREAN. Standing at 164cm for 54kg, Minji is notably known for looking like IRENE of red velvet or even sometimes JIN of lovelyz.

social circle

» Father; Jung Jiwook // 49 // owner of "Jungjin Ramyeon" // stingy, strict but inside cares the most // they are found bickering almost everytime but Minji never hesitates to show affection when he ( discreetly tries to hide he ) cares
» Mother; Jung Gaeul // 45 // owner of "Jungjin Ramyeon" // chic, nonchalant, charming // Minji gets along well with her mother, since she's the only one who understands her ( especially things like menstruation and fashion )
» Younger brother; Jung Seunghyub // 14 // middle schooler // witty, likes to tease, rarely sweet // Minji often hits him because he makes fun of her everytime he has the chance; he rarely shows affection but when he does, she makes sure to remember it ( his affection only comes once in a while )


» Best friend; Kim Yugyeom // 19 // idol ( GOT7 ) // often shy, obedient, gullible // Minji's partner in crime who often just goes along with her idiotic plans; he's the perfect teddy bear when she needs someone
» Best friend; Baek Yerin // 19 // idol ( 15& ) // blunt, sly, loyal // together with 'Yubear' ( Yugyeom ) and 'Jungjin' ( Minji ), they're the 'perfect 3' ( they all have been best friends for a while ); when Minji needs someone to back her up, Yerin is always there
» Friend; Sorn // 20 // idol ( CLC ) // friendly, bright, impatient // Minji's ever first friend in CUBE; they are both comfortable with each other ( Sorn is the only one who laughs at her jokes )


» Unnie mentor; Jessi // 27 // rapper ( Lucky J ) // straight-forward, easily angered, funny, caring // Minji and Jessi are in an unnie-dongsaeng relationship ( they get along well ) and the older just became her rap mentor because she at rapping


» nail polish // her total obssession
» monday couple // jihyo + gary = <3
» mathematics // she took up accounting, remember?
» ballad // Minji has always had a soft spot for soft music. It has always relaxed her, and has cheered her up in bad times
» coffee // it was always a morning drink for her to get energized every start of a day. Unknowingly though, she started loving it as the days passed
» rubix (rubik's) cube // she likes to play with it but she's not a pro


» ketchup/catsup // she won't ever smile at you if you give her a packet
» raisins // wrinkly, yucky - she won't taste it at any cost
» root beer // the taste is weird for her
» insects // especially the big ones!
» circles in clusters // Minji just hates it


» painting her nails
» reading online stories (horror and romance are her faves)
» watching running man
» playing the rubix (rubik's) cube
» browsing the latest phones
» crossing her arms when disappointed
» immediately striking a 'v' pose when there are photoshoots
» repeating words when trying to understand things


» she solves math problems to relieve her stress
» her favorite drama right now is ex-girlfriend club (song jihyo's drama)
» she does her own nails
» she posts her nails on SNS
» she has over sixty nail polishes
» her twitter name is @heartcall_jin
» her instagram name is @jungmin.jin
» she likes watching survival shows (ex. Mix and Match, WIN, Sixteen)
» she would like to be in weekly idol and running man


Actually, Minji sticks to long-sleeved stuff. She actually prefers them most because of her uneven skin tone. A long, long time ago she used to wear tees and short sleeved shirts all the time, thus getting a two-in-one vanilla and mocha ice cream combo on her arms. For the bottoms, she doesn't really care, just know that she takes a long time to decide on them and that she'll eventually give up, asking her sensible members for advice instead, or her boyfriend Mingyu when he's present. For special occasions, say it's her birthday, she'd wear something she thinks is 'fashionable', like a cute sweater and skirt. She usually wears sandals or comfortable sneakers, but if she feels like it, she wears heels.


{1 2 3 4 5}



» Jungjin // Minji's family's ramyeon shop is called "Jungjin Ramyeon" so her members and best friends call her that playfully
» "Ji baby" // Something cheesy and sweet Mingyu made just for her



» Korean; fluent // mother-tongue
» Chinese; she only knows simple sentences // Minji is trying to learn in a Chinese-Korean dictionary application on her phone but recently she's learning from Myungho & Jun


PERSONALITY + When you first see Mingyu, you're going to think; 'oh, he's a good-looking guy. He looks like he's soft and romantic.' Well, that's true, but it's also true that there are more than meets the eye. Truthfully, when you get to know him, he's the type to tease people a lot. Rather than showing, he's telling. He's quite the opposite of a perfect man, honestly. I mean, he's a handsome, charming gentleman - right, but more than that, he doesn't sugarcoat his words, doesn't beat around the bush and does what he wants. That's why most people can't keep up with him. He's a very blunt person, but he doesn't like hurting. He tries to use more positive words. For example, when you're a bit on the fat side, he'll tell you you're a bit chubby, not fat. When you're ugly, he'll tell you that your face is just different from others. He's blunt, but he tries to be nice without sugarcoating anything.

Mingyu is a person who likes being the one in charge, as well. He wants to be the one to initiate, not the other way around. His confidence is also high, because Mingyu feels like he can concentrate more and live more if he's confident in himself. But he's not a boastful person - not at all. He likes things quiet, thank you very much. Also, he's a very touchy person. He always likes having skinship, especially with Minji. He's always found slinging his arm around her, holding her hand tightly as if someone's going to snatch her, embracing her lovingly, whispering sweet nothings in her ear, showering her with kisses and whatnot. Because of that, he easily becomes jealous. Mingyu likes to think his girlfriend is all his, and not anyone else's. Overall, Mingyu is the type of person you can call 'the perfectly imperfect man'.

RELATIONSHIP + Truthfully, how they act around each other - it's the same as when they were friends. They talk about the most random things, share good songs and just enjoy each other's presence. The only difference is that now, they trust each other more and can tell the other about anything. That, and skinship. You can't leave that out - Mingyu is a little bit touchy and Minji, well, is the Minji who push and pulls and makes fail jokes with him. Honestly though, since Mingyu is her first boyfriend, she doesn't know what to do. When to initiate something ( oh, but that's his role ) or when to speak up? She doesn't really know. All she knows is that she likes him very much and knows that she'll remember him as her first love for a long, long time.

Mingyu became a bit more protective over her when they started dating though. Everytime a boy tries to approach her, he makes sure that he doesn't touch his girlfriend in any way. Because of that guy does, he'll punch someone, and it won't be pretty. Although he's jealous, that's what makes him warmer. Minji always liked how he paid more attention to her and treated her sweetly more often. Now, if we talk about her jealousy, well, she's not that kind of type, but if a girl touches him inappropriately, that's when she's going to snap. To be honest, Mingyu loves that kind of Minji the most - the hot and bothered Minji. Their relationship is going to be rocky, but it's surely going to be a sweet one!

HISTORY + The way they met wasn't that special, really. Because Minji was a trainee in Pledis, she met Mingyu who was a bit distant but nice. At first, she was curious about him because he was the opposite of what he looked like, but soon, she became used to his personality. They were both the same age, so the both of them were forced to train together along with Myungho, Seokmin ( Mingyu's groupmates ) and some other trainees. Mingyu actually, at first, didn't like Minji's optimism. It was her determination instead that made him approach her. He found out she was more than a pretty face - beneath, there was a pure and ambitious girl who would do anything to accomplish her dreams. You may be thinking, there are a lot of people like that. But to Mingyu, Minji was a bit special. Unlike others, she wasn't into the fame, she just wanted to sing and be free. He found out that her ultimate motive was to forget all her problems in life and have fun while singing and dancing. What would be greater than that? Enjoying what you do in life. Minji had said to him once that life is short. While you're still living, do what you want. They were simple words, but those words were the ones he always kept in mind - words that made him realize a lot of things.

Mingyu found out that a ( jealous and insecure ) female trainee was bullying her and felt angry. Usually, he was quiet - he was the one who didn't want attention, but when he saw how she had verbally abused Minji, he felt like he wanted to punch someone. He tried to protect her at all times, and Minji appreciated his help. After that, they became closer friends and soon enough, the bullying stopped. The whole period they spent together, Mingyu felt something tingly inside of him. When they were training, he kept looking towards her spot next to him. He questioned himself, why would he look at her? He just assumed that he was too used to Minji and always looked out for her. But even after a while, he couldn't stop looking. He told Seokmin his dilemma and his groupmate just smiled. Mingyu didn't know what that meant - in fact, was that even a response? He felt very lost - lost in a long time.

He told her one day to have lunch with him after his practice ( he was a back-up dancer for Raina before and had to stay overtime ). Minji told him that she was already in the restaurant they always went to, and true to her words, he saw her... with another man? He felt a drop in his stomach and suddenly felt possessive. When the guy put his arm around her shoulder, that was it. Mingyu stormed over unconsciously and grabbed her arm. When they were finally outside, he told her all he was feeling when he felt all tingly whenever he saw her and how angry he got when he saw that guy touching her. Minji, usually, isn't a shy person, but upon processing his words, she blushed. That's how their relationship started. It may not be that special to people, but because of the deep connection they possess ( and how they can freely express anything to each other ), their relationship became special.

OTHER + Their relationship is not going to be easy to reveal ( since there are a lot of anti fans these days ) but they're going to make it through. Pledis Entertainment will respect their decision, but under the condition that they will work harder in their promotions ( and basically in the group ). You can decide on how it will work out, author-nim!

+ MinjiJu
+ Min
+ Plotline #6 ( Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist )

KIm mingyu

Member of seventeen, he was born on april 6, 1997.


BACK-UP LOVE INT + Monsta X's Kihyun




LAST COMMENT + hello, author-nim! If you didn't notice, links are bold and colored dark blue and orange. :) English in not my first language, so I hope you'll excuse my errors. :) If you have something you want me to fix, I'll gladly do so! Thank you~ <3


» Heart Call and Ace of Hearts in Weekly Idol and Running Man (juseyo <3)
» fluffy moments between Mingyu and Minji
» Minji going on We Got Married with another idol ( + Mingyu's ranting )
» Mingyu and Minji in a jealousy fight ( they try to make each other jealous )
» Jung family moments
» Yugyeom, Yerin and Minji moments <3


PASSWORD + I like Pledis better, but SISTAR is more appealing to me~ It's hard to pick a bias from SEVENTEEN and Monsta X, but it's Mingyu and Kihyun. <3

The Ark - The Light





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