To All Writers!

I have established a writing group of sorts and am currently welcoming anyone else who wants to join in. We are taking this challenge. It's been decided the prompt of sorts for the challenge will be "calling to death." Participants are encouraged to write a one shot or short chaptered story centered around this idea by July 24th. All stories will be posted then and we'll all compare our different ideas and versions of the prompt. 

Critiques will also be given and I would really like to repeat the process again if everything goes smoothly. If not, a writing group has still been established and I'm hoping participants will now have people (future friends, maybe) to support, motivate, and give feedback on the current and future fan fictions.

If you want to participate or have questions, either comment below or PM me. Please do think carefully before you decide because commitment is key and I would really hate it if anyone backed out. 


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elle_kpop14 #1
i feel so special <3