celestial ⦿ The Chic Princess

Jun hana ⦿ Capricorn

"If you want something, you need to get out there and grab it by the horns because no one is going to give you what you want on a plate. Good girls always come second."

ygsmjypfam ⦿ Meimei ⦿ activity rate — 9

birthname: Jun hana (준하나 / 隼花)

Other names: 

None. :)


— hani (하니) (this is just a shorter version of her name that family and friends had grew accustomed in calling her.)
— Koneko () (she earned this nickname, because like a kitten, she likes to cuddle and hug her close friends.)

birthday: December 25, 1994

age: 20 years old

blood type: AB

birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean-Japanese


Korean (한국어) — fluent (She's half Korean and her family moved back to south korea when she was 10 years old.)
Japanese (日本語) — fluent (Her mother's japanese and talks to her in this language so she won't forget it as well. Also, she spent 10 years in Japan.)

english — advanced (her parents were ambitious and wanted her to become globally competitive. so they hired an english tutor for her when she was 13 years old.)
mandarin (官话) — basic (she loves watching taiwanese dramas so she studied by herself by buying books that teaches mandarin and also thru the internet.)

stage name: hana (She didn't want to change her name.)

fanclub name: Neko () (living up to her nickname of koneko.)

fanclub colour: #E3E4FA  (lavender blue)

position: Main dancer, vocal (triple threat)

singing twin: Sulli of F(x)

dancing twin: Kwon Boa

rapping twin: sulli of f(x)

training years: 4 months

social media:
Twitter: @junhana20
instagram: @celestialhana
facebook: /celestialhana

face claim: Kim Seolhyun, Seoulhyun (AOA)

back-up face claim: Bae Suji, Suzy (miss A)

height & weight: 167cm & 52kg

appearance: Hana has a long brown wavy hair that falls down just above her stomach. She likes having her hair dyed but she sticks with the hues of brown. She has hazelnut brown eyes that are a bit rounded but chinky too. She has chubby cheeks that sometimes others would of being fat. hana knows though that she isn't that slim so it's okay for her when they . Just don't go overboard! :)) Her lips are naturally pink color that people would often ask her if she's wearing lipstick. hana has a small mole beside her lips, although it's still pretty visible. She has a birth mark on her right shoulder with a size of a nail of the thumb and it's shape resembles a heart.

style: hana loves to dress up with classy, preppy, and sporty clothes. She would go for knitted tops, or loose cotton shirts, and sometimes would go for vintage looks. She loves to wear cottony soft t-shirts and blouses. She seldom wear tank tops or clothes that would reveal much of her arms because she feels conscious about it. She likes long sleeves and also cardigans and hoodies. She's in love with skirts. All kinds. Pencil skirt, flowy skirts, or even the balloon style of skirts; name it. She owns lots. She'd pair it with any of her blouses. She also like dresses that are simple. hana loves jumpers as well, but those dress kind of jumpers (the one with skirts). She collects different kinds of hats but most especially beanies. She'd wear them every time she thinks it suits her clothes for the day. She also like to wear crop shirts and pair it with high-waisted shorts or skinny jeans. hana likes to wear shorts as well. May it be denim or not, she still likes it. She's not usually seen wearing shorts and jeans though for she had always preferred skirts and dresses. Although sometimes, she'd wear stockings as well with different colors and designs (under skirts or those cute white shorts) and then pair it with t-shirts or knitted blouses. She just want to dress simply and doesn't like loud accents and such. Any color would do for her although she'd usually go for white, baby pink, powder blue, or even mint. She's not much of a dark-colored clothes fanatic but when it requires, she prefers black and red. hana doesn't like going out with just using slippers, so she usually wear sneakers, boots, a pair of Mary Jane's, or even oxfords. But, she collects lots of different colors and designs of sneakers. She just feels so comfortable wearing them. She's not much of a collector of jewelries or accessories. hana prefers wristwatches or anklets though. Sometimes, hanawould clip ribbon on her hair as well but it would just be small.

personality breakdown: 

positive traits — Kind, sweet, loyal, hopeful, confident

negative traits — dominating, obstinate, self-satisfied, arrogant, melodramatic


"Let's do this together, chingus! I love you all."  hana is a girl who is really nice to people despite having a strong facade. She is very friendly that people practically likes to talk to her and be with her. She is very charming in a way that she doesn't have to try hard because it just comes out naturally. hana is also a sweet person. Others wouldn't actually think of her as this because she really looks like she doesn't care but hana's unpredictable, people do not know what's running inside her mind. although, she is very warm inside. She would unexpectedly do something for others that they do not imagine her of doing. There was an instant that one of the members got sick, expectedly she wouldn't go near that person as she is a health freak and wouldn't want to get caught fever as well. But what she did amaze everyone else. She took care of that member without hesitation. Even went out to buy medicines. That's when they knew how sweet of a person she is. hana is a loyal person as well. She has shown deep faith to their group's leader and would often cheer her on. She will not turn her back on her friends/members as she treasures them and loves them so much. The same goes with their company. She is very faithful to them that she doesn't want to break any rules. She feels like she owes a lot with the company that's why she had devoted herself to the institution. hana is also the kind of person who is very sanguine. Expect her to be cheerful at difficult situations as she wants to succeed in everything she does. This is not just for herself, but for her friends as well. She would do everything for them not to feel discouraged if they are faced in trials. She believes that if they're together, they can conquer anything. hana is the kind of girl that others would feel like she's really oozing of confidence. This may cause others to feel intimidated by her but for some they appreciate this personality of hers as she lets them feel that they can do anything. Truthfully, she really is an assured and outgoing girl. She stands up high and looks like nothing may faze this young sassy lass.

"Aigoo. You're not doing it right. Listen to me, arasso? It should be like this..."  living up to her zodiac sign of being a capricorn, hana is a born leader. She knows her limits but that doesn't mean she can't lead as well. She is controlling at times that others would really feel annoyed at her. Sometimes others would think that who does she think she is because of this personality. She doesn't want others to be telling her what to do and can be very rude if others try to dominate her as well. Although, her group and the company are an exception to this. (There are still times that still she doesn't want to listen to them. Haish.
hana really is unpredictable.) But for other people, she can be very hard-headed and at the same time influential as she would try to talk others out with her ideals and principles and would impose it on them. With this, hana can be a stubborn person as well. She will not change her opinion as she truly believes that what she knows are far more better than other ideals but she would do this to other people. She knows that she has this weird personality but as much as she wants to change it, she doesn't know how to. Ah, hana can be a little smug about herself too. She wouldn't hesitate on sharing her achievements as she is very proud of herself and thinks that she is also an important person that others can't live without. Uh huh. Too conceited that others would love to smack her head hard on the wall. But despite being an obstinate and arrogant person, she still is a nice girl that's why others would just let her be. hana can be overly emotional as well that sometimes she'd do dramatic acts over little problems to which others would just roll their eyes on her. A true melodramatic person at heart. hana is also the kind of girl who is self-assured, yet can still be sensitive. hana doesn't like critics so much and would take it in and bury it deep inside her heart. She may seem that it doesn't affect her, but if people would just dig deeper, they would discover how she has a lot of insecurities. That's why she would masked it up with her self-confidence. She forgives but definitely not forgets. hana is just really thankful that despite having so much flaws and shortcomings, she couldn't be more grateful because her friends have accepted her of who she is.


Music (Her love for music developed at an early year and was hone with the help of her parents. hana would always find music relaxing. It helps her to feel at ease whenever she’s nervous or anxious. She believes that she lives for music.)
The sea (As a kid, her parents would also bring her to the beach and they would have a fun picnic there. Ever since, she loves going to the beach and would just play by the shore. She’d collect seashells and would watch the fish swim around. She has this weird fondness for nautical stuff that’s why she likes spending time by the beach as well.)
Color green (Her favorite color is green. She thinks that this is really light to the eyes and doesn’t hurt your eyesight. She’s not obsessive over all green things though but she’d like it every time she owns a green pen or a green notebook.)
Books (Her close friends would often that she has a relationship with books because she loves to read and she’s always seen bringing books anywhere. It doesn’t matter if she had read the book already, as long as it’s her favorite, she’d read it over and over again.)
Snow (hana’s birthday falls in winter and so she had this extra fondness for snow. She loves playing with snow even just by their garden. She likes the feeling of it on her hands and she’d feel bubblier whenever it’s snowing.)
Art galleries and museums (She has deep appreciation for art as well and she was fond of visiting museums and art galleries ever since her class had a field trip in a museum when she was in preschool. Sometimes, she would ask her parents to bring her to museums instead of amusement parks)
Fruits (hana's a health freak that's why her desserts are usually fruits. She never likes it when she gets sick that's why she likes to eat fruits.)

Turtles (Since hana likes sea creatures so much, she had bought a turtle as a pet. She named it Wobby. She really likes turtles and would also buy key chains with turtles as designs. hana just find their animated form so cute that’s why she loves them so much.)
Hugging (Living up to her nickname of Koneko, hana really likes to cuddle and for her another version of cuddling is hugging. She loves hugs so much because she had read before that it increases the feelings of another to be more at comfort. Even she, herself, feels a lot better when someone hugs her or when she hugs someone. It is something inevitable for hana. For her at least 5 hugs a day would be great.)
Old films (Citizen Kane? Meet me in St. Louis? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Name it, hana loves to watch old films. Musical or not, she is fond of watching old movies for she believes that they are treasure.)


Cockroaches! (Especially those flying ones? Oh my God. Seriously, right? “They’re not butterflies. UGH.” These creatures creep the hell out of hana. She would really panic whenever she sights them. hana often refers to these pests as, “ENEMIES! ENEMIES!” Yes, you guessed it right. She shouts whenever there are cockroaches but to the flying ones only. She hates them to the core that she could practically hear their wings even though she can’t see it yet and that would make her more cautious until she sees it and would let someone else kill it.)
Thunderstorms (Basically, hana has fear for lightning; the main reason she doesn’t like thunderstorms. She would practically freak out whenever the weather’s not so good. Everyday hana would check the weather updates just to see if there would be thunderstorms.)
Judgments (She admits that she can be insecure that’s why verdicts won’t work for her. Although she knows it’s inevitable, she still dislike it.)
Amusement park rides (She may be found wandering around amusement parks but don’t expect to see her riding those extreme rides. Even as a kid, she wasn’t fond of riding them. Part of her, she’s afraid she might be killed because of it. Another part because for her, they don’t seemed to be fun.)
Medicines (hana gets sick easily. Even though she would take medicines (when needed), she still doesn’t like its taste. She would usually find herself feeling queasiness instead.)
Dust (Another enemy of hana. She’s allergic to dust. Whenever she would inhale dust, she’d sneeze non-stop and then she would catch colds for a whole week. Sometimes, her face would become reddish as well.
Stuffed toys (No offense to other people who loves stuffed toys, hana isn’t that fond of these. For some unknown reason, she just doesn’t like them. Still of course, she would keep those given by her close friends, but it would be kept in storage or put on display in cabinets. Even when she was still a kid, she doesn’t like stuffed toys. She loves soft pillows though.)

Junk food (For her, as the name suggests it, it's junk. No one will benefit in eating it.)
Lazy people (Ah, she just hates it when others won't help in doing something or just laying around for a whole day. Sometimes, hana can't help but nag.)


Listening to music (This very much relaxes her as well especially when she’s listening to mellow songs. If she’s travelling or just simply doing something that doesn’t let her feel to be distracted, she’d listen to music. It helps her mind to be active even when she’s on idle mode. She also likes singing along to the songs she’s listening so she’ll make this as an excuse for her to sing her heart out. Also, she loves dancing to the beat.)
Going for a walk (Sometimes hana feels a little restless that’s why she likes taking a walk around the neighborhood or at the park or practically just anywhere. She wouldn’t be afraid taking a stroll in the evening, she would just bring with her a bottle of pepper spray and her phone’s ready to call her friends just in case something might happen.)
Practicing her dance moves (She had always loved dancing that's why she had discovered a dance studio near their neighborhood when they moved in Seoul, she would always go there to practice.)


Scrunches her nose when annoyed (People would go quickly away from her when they see her doing this as it means that she's totally pissed she could eat anyone whole. Kidding!)
Bites lower lip when in deep thoughts (hana has this weird habit that while thinking she’d bite her lip and unconsciously staring at someone without her really seeing. This means that she really is in deep thoughts and is lost in her own frenzied mind.)
Jogs every 5:00 a.m. (She had developed this habit ever since she was young.)
Hugs her friends upon seeing them (She loves hugs so much that’s why she’d hug her close friends whenever she sees them. Even early in the morning, she’d hugged them as a greeting.)


— Hana's a total health freak. (she doesn't like junk food neither sodas. Although, dark chocolates are only an exception as she calls it, "the healthy kind of sin".)
— she likes to doodle at the back of her notebooks. (she's a frustrated artist, honestly. she likes to draw whenever she feels like it.)
— her ideal man is T.O.P of big bang. (for her, he's so talented, his voice is like music to her ears, and he's beyond expectations as he freely expresses who he really is.)

— hana's totally addicted to SHINee, big bang, GOT7, BTS, high4, 2ne1, 4minute,  melody day, and sistar. (in short, hana's really into k-pop.)
— she's also a neat freak. (she doesn't like messy rooms or whatever. she would put them aside if others are being such lazy brats.)
— She loves photography. (she collected different kinds of cameras like polaroid, DSLR, and other film cameras. doesn't matter to her if they're second hand. she would buy these whenever she had saved a lot of money.)
— hana's favorite place would be the han river. (this girl's known for roaming around. she likes going to the han river whenever she's free.)
— she can play the guitar and drums. (her brother taugh her how to as he's also interested in music.)
— hana admits to being afraid of dogs. (yup, she once got chased by a dog and ever since she's afraid of them.)
— she needs to listen to music to make her fall asleep. (she would practically listen to mellow songs to help her.)

— her favorite fruit is watermelon. (it refreshes her, that's why she always loved eating watermelons.)
— hana loves taking selcas. (may it be alone or with her co-trainees/friends.)
— she's really addicted to korean and taiwanese dramas. (that's why she learned mandarin. also, for her, these dramas help her with her acting skills.)
— one of her childhood dreams was to become an actress. (Hana got inspired by her mother's job.)

— hana doesn't like soups or broths. (for some unknown reason, she just doesn't like it.)
— she's fond of babies. (hana would secretly reach out to them to tap their hands. she really like cute babies.)
— she likes plants. (in her room, you'd practically see 3 potted plants by her windowsill.)
— hana owns 3 very soft pillows. (uh huh, excluding the pillow she sleeps on.)
— she loves collecting rucksacks and messenger bags. (usually with nautical designs.)
— on hana's Instagram account, you won't see selcas. (she mostly post pictures of sceneries or candid shots of other people. she doesn't like her feed to be full of her face even though she loves selcas, except when she's with her co-trainees. usually, she uploads her selcas in twitter and facebook.)

— she believes in supernatural. (she loves watching horror and thriller movies.)
— no boyfriend since birth. (she may look like she's the kind of girl most guys flirt with, but honestly no. she sometimes feel awkward around guys.)

how you were scouted:

"A couple of months ago, this was only a dream. But now, I really am here."  hana and her friends had always loved to dance and they would record a video of themselves whilst dancing and then they would upload it in Youtube or in any websites. One day, while Rai was browsing the net to search for potential talents, she came across to hana's video as the girl was dancing. hana was the only one in the video at that time. Rai thought that she really has the talent and her dance moves were powerful. What she did next was she sent hana a message asking if she's interested to be a dancer in one of a co-ed groups. hana saw this but thought that it was fraud so she didn't bother replying anymore. Even though, she really wanted to try she just can't because her safety was more important. A week passed and Rai got frustrated because the girl didn't reply to her. She, again, sent another message that she was from Milky Way Entertainment. Rai watched again the videos of hana and noticed that the dance studio was familiar with her. That's when it hit her, she really had seen that dance studio before as it was located near the company and once tried to practice there as well. Rai immediately called Sakito, Hyejin, Sanghyuk, Haehyuk and Sakura to check hana out. (Rai thought that Hana wouldn't go with just one recruiter and sakito that's why she asked the 5 of them just to go ther instead.haha! for back up and such as Hana didn't respond to her message before thinking she could be a hard headed woman. Hahaha!) Rai especially asked for Sakito's opinion about hana. She showed them the videos first and they too think that she has talents. So the four recruiters and Sakito went to the dance studio and great timing because hana was already there, rehearsing. They watched her practice first before approaching her. They pleaded to her that she should join the group but hana was skeptical about them since, for her, they really looked desperate. They showed their I.D. to her but still, she wasn't convinced. Although, being in a group sounds tempting to her. It was a dream she badly wanted to achieve but she can't just trust them as they really looked "too excited" about the whole thing. The five got frustrated so what they did next was not really new to them, but for hana, it was quite dangerous. They've dragged her to the company so she could "see it for herself" and when they've arrived, that's when hana realized that they were saying the truth. She once really liked the group, Dream. So after weighing things and because she already set her goals towards the music industry, she finally accepted to become a trainee of Milky Way Entertainment. hana even asked if she would audition right there and then but they just chortled as they told her that there was no need to audition anymore. There she had personally met Rai and hana felt embarrassed that she was the one who contacted her before. But nonetheless, hana was really stoked. That's when her trainee life started.

trainee life:

"alright my dear chingus, fighting~!"  hana, at first, was a bit cold to everyone since she doesn't know them yet. others would try to reach out to her though and with those people, she became friends with them first. hana was not definitely the type to approach first as she had always have high-regard for herself. her other co-trainees would feel really annoyed at her whenever she's being so confident that causes them to clash but as weeks passed and they got to know more each other (also with the help of their coaches and handlers), they've finally learned to accept each other's flaws. when they finally warmed up altogether, her co-trainees discovered hana's warm side and eventually they've hit it off. with each other's help, they would all feel motivated and inspired to continue what they started. hana would often cheer up everyone even though their trainings were hard as she's really hopeful and confident for everyone. She had seen everyone's talents and she really felt amazed by it. Despite the fact that the others were forced to join, hana still looks up to them because they were really great. hana can admit that her trainee life was a challenge and criticisms hurt her, but that didn't stop her to move forward as she really wanted this as well. hana's family couldn't be more proud with her since she took a step forward to chase her dreams. before, she just wanted to succeed and be in this industry. but as she grew closer with her co-trainees, her dreams changed and wanted for celestial to be number 1.


On a cold winter's night of 25th of December in the year 1994, Jun sangwoo and yamaguchi satomi were blessed to have another little angel in their lives and named her jun hana. together with her older brother, Jun hansuke, they've lived a happy life in tokyo, Japan.
 satomi's full blooded japanese who stayed almost all her life in south korea and that was where she had met sangwoo. their parents had moved to japan after college and eventually got married in the country. sangwoo had worked as a graphic artist whilst his wife, satomi, works as a theater actress that was often sought because of her great acting skills. Both hana and hansuke had shared a deep interest in the arts as well since both of their parents belong in the same field. As others would say, "it runs in their blood".

at an early age,
hana showed great interest with the music industry as she would often sing or dance in front of her family and friends too. she didn't show any signs of shyness and she was very outgoing too that the elders were very fond of her. when she turned 7 years old, her mother had enrolled her to ballet school in tokyo.  of course, hana was really happy then as she loves to dance. she stopped only when their family moved to Seoul, south korea. her father wanted his kids to also be familiar with the korean culture and since satomi misses korea too, she agreed with his plan. sangwoo had continued his work as a graphic artist in one of the largest television networks in south korea whereas satomi continued to be a theater actress. she also became a voice actress. this time, hana wanted to learn modern dance and so her parents let her attend dance class in Seoul as well. during her middle school, hana passed in Sunhwa Arts School so she enrolled there. hana's dreams to be in the music industry, strengthened and would do anything and her best so that she could achieve her dreams. this was also the time hana had discovered the dance studio near their neighborhood and she would practice there alone or with her friends. they would also video themselves and would upload it to websites. they like to make dance covers of popular k-idols. after middle school, hana entered in Seoul school of performance arts /SOPA for her high school studies. she really wanted to be in the entertainment and music industry that's why she entered the famous school. even though that this was her dream, her top priority was still her studies that's why she wants schools that were best. When she successfully graduated high school, she still wanted to continue the path she was taking so she took an exam in Korea National University of Arts or k-arts. She successfully passed and she took up Dance performance for her major. she pursued her goals in dancing and was really excited because as soon as she graduates college, she feels that she's a step closer to her dreams.

when the miracle happened of Rai coming across with hana's video and the recruiters' persuasion to hana, she actually felt really happy and excited as she knows that this would be her way to her dreams. true that she was skeptical and doubtful at first with rai's messages and also with Sakito and the recruiters, but when they've brought her to the company and she personally met Rai, she almost said yes immediately. but she still wanted to focus on her studies although they've told her that she can continue her studies while training under the agency. hana quickly contacted her parents and oppa to let them know about this and they told her to go for it as they know how much she likes this. because of her dreams and aspirations, also the approval of her family, she gladly accepted the offer.



appa/otousan / Jun Sangwoo / 50 / protective, funny, supportive

sangwoo is a very funny man who likes to joke around as he always wants his environment to be happy. he's protective over hana and hansuke, and he would always do his best just to give his son and daughter what they like. sangwoo is more overprotective to hana since she's their only girl. hana's pretty close with her father and she would also tell him her dreams. she's comfortable with her father and sometimes would help him in formulating creative ideas for his work.

omma/okaasan / yamaguchi satomi / 48 / loving, sweet, strict

now, satomi is the one who is stricter to her kids rather than sangwoo. hana and hansuke are close to her too but the two would often ask permission to their father as they know he would allow them rather than their mother. although satomi can be strict, she's really loving and sweet. she would prepare food for hana whenever she goes to her dance classes and would also pick her up from school. hana would often confide to her mother whenever she has a new crush but she would tell hana not to date yet as she is still very young.

Oppa/Oniichan / Jun Hansuke / 24 / cheerful, outgoing, demanding

hansuke took up cinematography in Korea National University of arts. he's actually the inspiration of hana that's why she followed his footsteps when he attended SOPA and K-ARTs. hansuke doesn't mind at all as he is really supportive with hana's dreams. hansuke is more on the film industry while hana belongs to the entertainment/music world. hana would often ask for advice with her older brother as well. though sometimes they would clash as both of them can do nagging nonstop.


chinhan chingu / kang hayeon / 20 / mischievous, bubbly, blunt

when hana's family moved to seoul, she first met hayeon in school and they became the best of friends that they would actually stay each other's side and won't leave the other. they're often teased as twin sisters but they don't mind as they really do treat each other like that. they entered the same schools from middle school to college. although, hayeon took up vocal music in k-arts. but they would often still meet with each other. hayeon's one of hana's friends wherein they would video themselves dancing. but hayeon liked singing more.

shinyuu / ichihara reika / 21 / quiet, kind, calm

reika now balances the outgoing personality of her friends, hana and hayeon. unlike hana, reika lived in seoul ever since she was born but she was full blooded japanese so she still knows the language. reika was the first best friend of hana who was japanese. they became close and definitely would join hayeon and hana's antics whenever they would do crazy. reika's in charge to mellow down her friends whenever they become too frenzied. reika knows the dreams of hana and would often quietly cheer her on. she's also the one to take the video of hana whenever she dances.

chingu / jang hanbin / 23 / gentle, polite, friendly

hanbin's a total gentleman that every girls dream to be with but that would exclude hana. they share a love-hate relationship and would sometimes address each other as frienemies. still hanbin's polite and he would often look over hana as he's like an older brother to her as well. they've met in k-Arts and he majors in choreography. he would also teach hana dance moves at times too. when hana's being her stubborn self, hanbin would be there to smack her on the head (kidding), hanbin would be there to scold her. eventually, they happened to be close.

love interest: choi Minho 

group: SHINee

age: 23 years old

personality: Minho is the kind of guy who looks like a cold-city guy but with all honesty, he's all warm inside. He's matured in thinking even for his age but he can be playful as well. he's a caring ad dedicated person.  even though he's tired of all his trainings already or when times are tough, he'll do his best to stand up again and finish what he started. he's a passionate and brave guy as he would do anything just to get what he wants.  minho is the kind that would not hesitate in helping someone.  he would lend his ears if someones needs someone to listen to and talk to, he would offer his shoulders if they need someone ot lean on. Minho is a very sweet and friendly guy that's why a lot of people are drawn to him.

although Minho is a guy who's really friendly and kind, he can change moods easily especially when he's too tired already. he'd feel annoyed and with just one wrong word/ move then boo. it's the end of the world. they say that there is also a limit to one's patience and he's just like that. he's really charming but sometimes he couldn't control his temper anymore. when he's on his hyperactive mode, people can't control him anymore and he'd all be crazy and giddy. but most of the time, he's in his solemn mode. :))

how you met/meet: they've met after the debut of Celestial during one of the music shows. After celestial's performance, SHINee was next and Hana and Minho had accidentally bumped into each other. hana was honestly really shy then because she felt like she was really careless plus he's her sunbae. She bowed multiple times and minho told her that it was fine. since then, every music shows they would notice each other already and would acknowledge each other's presence. they got to know more of each other when there was an event and some idol groups were invited (i hope this is fine?) and that included celestial and Shinee. that was the only time they were formally introduced. since then, they became friends. whenever they can, they would hang out and talk about just anything.

interactions: during music shows, hana would often secretly glance at minho, whenever she gets the chance, as she thinks that he's very talented and cute too! (she actually thinks that she wants him to keep her inside her pocket. kekeke) he's very caring towards her and sometimes he would even act as a father concerned to his daugther. =)) he's very particular with hana's needs and she's very thankful of meeting him and coming into her life. although at times, hana would feel really shy around him, she would do her best so that she could be her normal self whenever he's there. eventually when they both feel more comfortable with each other, they would often be seen together. he's extra sweet and caring towards hana and she's beyond grateful for that. the two would cheer each other on so they would be more motivated whenever they have trainings. He would send her text messages whenever they won't see each other or sometimes he'd call too. There are also times when the two of them would sneak out and catch up with their lives.

relationship: close friends.

Back-up: member of perseus 

comments/suggestions: hello! :) I'm finally done with my application. I hope I did it right. I will gladly edit it as well if you find a lot of mistakes. Um, I'm apologizing in advanced just in case you find so many errors in my app. :( I hope you like hana. :) Thank you very much and fighting~! :)

scene requests:
— celestial goes for an outing before and after debut! kekeke. :)
— hana casted in a tv series.
— hana may join in we got married.

password: Ethereal , astro , gods ,  astral , solar , pollux


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