AFF users changed

Before, people used to leave comments, show you that they are happy when you update, or write a blogpost.

Nowadays, they just subscribe without saying anything, or they just subscribe to their friend's stories.

Personally, i like comments better than subscribers or upvotes 

When i write, i keep thinking about my readers, i don't want to disappoint them, but in these situations you lose your motivation


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People seem to just not care anymore and only want to talk to and help out those that are considered close friends to them.
This is so true. Before I loved to update my fanfictions because people left comments which made my day ! but when everyone stopped comment it feelt like I didn't do anything good anymore and I lost my motivation to continue writing D:
shirogane #3
Oh i understand.....
nahonja87 #5
Feel it, too. Somehow comments motive me to write more..
secretash #6
crazy relatable, this is so true
loyal4ygfamily5ever #7
this is SO true! I have to admit I'm one of those people who just subscribe and MEAN to go back and comment but I never do so as a reader.. yeah I'm guilty, but as an author, yeah it's really a pain.. comments mean so much more and are just so much more encouraging!
I'm the same. Of course I'm eternally grateful for everyone who subs to my stories, but I also feel like comments are more important. Even if it's constructive criticism I love hearing what my readers have to say about my writing. And actually the lack of comments is part of the reason I took such a long hiatus.
NikkiMikki28 #9
For me, I'm fine if you just want to read my stories. If you subscribe, I'm happy you liked it enough to, if you unsubscribe, then sorry we don't share similar though patterns. I don't feel like I should bend over backwards just to get someone to like it. I'll take suggestions anytime, I love them! But, I like what I like, and I'll put it in my story. Sorry for the rant, but this is just my opinion.
xxkakaoxx #10
You're so right.. that's why I stopped writing... I barely have time to write anyway and if there aren't even any comments I don't feel like using the few minutes I have for myself to write fanfics... I miss the good old days, when other authors gave you their honest opinion about your fics u_u
Yes! And people say "but writing is just for fun and you shouldn't care about comments" BUT I do! It helps me write more and actually feel glad that somebody is enjoying my story. On my other account I have around 500 subscribers for one fic and all I ing get is 5 comments and that
I feel you! Because comments are really a source of motivation. It made my day when people comment. When they dont comment I feel like 'do they like my story?' & etc
AFF users changed more than that :/

It's like no one really cares anymore. I've barely gotten comments then and now. I guess you have to be a well-known author or write super cheesy stories to be deserving of one. Cause every single I comment I receive, I respond wholeheartedly and I've commented on many stories that have never received a single thank you.
gosh, you are not alone... trust me, for me even one comment can make my day, since I not only write for myself but for the people that are willing to read what i have to offer...
But now, i had reach to the conclusion that even if only one person is willing to be offering support to my story and be moved by it, i shall keep on writing, since that person is now precious to me
I look moreso at views but since continuing a story I had abandoned I am sad that only one person has offered me support and kind words out of over 300 prior subscribers and no ones commented about the changes I've made or how I've tried to fix mistakes. I am sad but I can only hope that with the next chapter someone might give me encouragement, even though I doubt it.