Long time no see


I know I know.

I haven't been updating my stories for months.


I lost my inspiration.

What? The guy who I has been crushing for 8 years just get married and he's going to be a dad soon.


What to do anyway.

I just need to write back.

I think.

It's been a long time.

I will try to move on and update.

Bear with me.

By the way, I'm open for any poster request since it's school holiday.


What are these all craps about?




I know.




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He probably wasn't the one for you. Someone much better must be waiting for you so I hope you find him soon. Fighting! Plus school will be over soon and your opportunities will expand believe me, life can only get better for you. <3
Inn, I don't know what to say but Fighting!!
There will be someone better them him. Take your time and don't worry about us ^^
ummm i know how you feel but maybe I'm a bit worse since he is my best friend for 7 years .. but I'll give an advice .. try to make something to forget about him like busy your self or found something to inspire you again not in love since i stopped believe in that but in other things .. anyway I'm sorry again & don't worry as i said i absolutely understand ^_^
Oh sorry about that author-nim. Who know? Maybe you'll find someone much better than him right? Looking forward to your updates :)))) FIGHTING!
Oh my im so sorry to hear that..
Its okay you will get another man much better than him keep smile and fighting always