The Updating Sequences

I just realised that I have 7 fics on going. I blame my crazzy shipper heart and random imaginations *smack my own head*.

So I need to rearrange the schedule of updating because I am a bit perfectionist and I want to deliver a story that I feel happy when writing it.

So here are the sequence:

1. On the novella type story, I will finish ' Not The Most Beautiful Girl' and 'When Nemo Fall For Bambi' first. Because these two are approaching the end.

2. Along the side of those, 'The Autumn Story' would have its own track because it was an old story with all material already there and I just have to cut into chapter and add cliffhangers *LOL*

3. Sadly 'She Who Shall Not Be Shared' need to be postpones to later, because even the plot and ending there, I have a fun writing each chapter that I need to cut some scenes and it took some times. But once the stories on point 1 are finished, I will concentrate on this one.

4. 'The Tangled of Lives' is a totally new story, plot and ending are there, but need some times to build the scene. So this will only be done after 1 and 2 finished.

5. 'His Mind, Her Mind' and 'The Drabbles of Hearts' are series of musing. So it may never have ending as long as the inspirations are there. And I am exciting of that actually.


6. I am planning a series of SuGen Chaos. When? Will see :)

Thank you for reading this nonsense note :D


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you indeed have so many to write, don't you? keke~
fighting!! we readers will wait for your hardworks :))
TheSpringButterflies #2
That's all i can say, Unnie.
O_O Hahaha! XD
about the number 5 ... LOL, I also plan the same for my box of chocolate. I will never mark it as complete.
and yaay for the autumn story!
Hahaha, tempted. Re writing new chaotic pairings. Though I am not sure my SeoKyu babies won't rebel against it.
But chaos also meant the friendships. Things like happened only in SuGen's world.
Take your time. Missy :)
Excited for the SuGen Chaos. Does that mean you will write new and chaos pairings, such as: Heechul-Seohyun?