Belated Birthday

So my birthday was on 21. I made my facebook wall private so no one would be able to post bcs I don't like pasting thank yous.

But since the people I love the most were stubborn, they opted to send me a private message and tag me on their status. 

There, I realized that high school friends really are the best friends one could have.

Many of them texted me with sweet messages.


I'm the youngest in our class and I've always felt special when I'm with them, but I felt extra special that day woth their messages.

The oldest among us suddenly posted:

 "Happy Birthday Bunsong Nguuuuuuuuuus! Sali ka na sa EXID! HAHA"
(Happy birthday youngest lips! Join EXID now! HAHA)


I was always teased because I have big lips, but that never made me feel insecure. It was our squad's simple sign of affection: calling each other's names and pinpointing each other's flaws. Hard to understand but we've been going strong for more than 10 years now. :D

But you know what's sad? My bestfriend for 14 years forgot my birthday.

She texted me 3 days after my actual birthday. 

 "Oy baks, tangina nakalimutan ko na birthday mo. Happy birthday nga pala! I love you."

Yeah. That's sad


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