Something about me you might like to know

OKay so this will just simply be an intro about Meep!!! It's just like so to know my likes and dislikes in just about everything I know in my little brain. But first, of course, here is some basic info about Meep

Meep is: 

  • Chinese(race)
  • Cantonese(dialect group)
  • Singaporean (nationality)
  • -- kg(no way I'm saying that)
  • ----years old (hehe I'm not revealing my age XP)
  • Female (haha, I don't think anything about me implies I'm male, right? Obv I'm female!)


  • I rollerblade often
  • I like reading
  • And sleeping
  • And eating/drinking
  • And singing (but I think my voice is just bleh)
  • I widen my eyes when in shock
  • Listening to music
  • Drumming my fingers to the beat when doing the above one
  • Speaking/typing in Singlish XD (it's like shortening the sentence to a few words and adding "lah, leh, lor and other words" but still getting the point across
  • Laughing at serious moments( ugh, pls tell me I'm not the only one who suffers from death stares after doing this...)
  • Doing random stuff when bored
  • Popping bubble wrap when I find it
  • And many other weird thingies

Choice of.. Anything?

  • Clothes: t-shirt/long-sleeved shirt with shorts/leggings/pants. I don't wear dresses or skirts unless absolutely necessary.
  • Color of clothing: black/brown/white/blue/grey/red/yellow/green... I don't really like pink/purple a lot.. And I prefer dark colors, but from time to time I wear light colors
  • Material usually either thin or dry-fit
  • Jewelry... Um, maybe rings and bracelets... I wear anklets sometimes.. My neck is really sensitive so necklaces are a no-no.
  • There's much more, but I'm too lazy to elaborate

In terms of:



  1. Soyabean!!! (Milk & bean curd)
  2. Pizza with a looooooooot of cheese! XD
  3. Milo (a chocolaty drink)
  4. DARK CHOCOLATE(yesh I'm a choco fan)
  5. Sushi!!! (with wasabi and soy sauce)
  6. Pasta!
  7. Watercress/spinach soup! (I eat my veggies too yanno)

There's a lot more than just that of course, but those are like the top 7! Moving on to the... Dislikes. —.—


  1. Bitter gourd( omg have you tried it, it's like just bitter and when you bite it it's three times worse!) 
  2. Foods with chili, even if it's a little bit. (Most peeps, I guess won't be able to share my pain when I eat chili. Although I eat wasabi with 0 problems... I start tearing when I eat even a little chili. It's too spicy! T-T it's been like that for me since young and I still cannot stand chili!)
  3. Fizzy drinks (don't hate me, peeps!! I used to be able to drink them happily, but now i can't even take a sip of Coca-Cola without some *bleh* it's not a nice feeling in the mouth while I'm drinking it, so nope I don't drink them.)

That's about it for dislikes. Oh and I'm allergic to shellfish so that includes prawns, lobsters, crabs, scallops, oysters and the list goes on. Yup, a lot of foods that are delicious but I can't eat them. 

Now I'm going on to kpop!!!

Whoo ~~~ 

But, when I put the group or singer in "dislikes" it just means that I'm not so into either their music or style. I'm not girly but I'm not a tomboy either. 


In order to reduce some disagreements, I am putting the groups in random order, just bcoz they come first does not mean I prefer them over the rest. I like all groups equally, and in most I don't have biases. Bcoz they're all aweshume so there's no "this group's better than that one" stuff.











Teen Top





Orange Caramel



Super Junior


Lip Service

Miss A


Okay, so that's about it. I'm sorry if I don't like your group but it's probably more of me liking some songs but the group style like BEG or SISTAR is y, but I don't like those so they're not here.

On to the solo peeps.. Including those that are in groups but made solo debuts!


Lee Hi







Lim Kim


And many more! I think this is sufficient info! XD it's not much but there's a lot already. Any more and I think some peeps might be like "imma go and stalk you" in this case, me and nope I'm not gonna risk that soooo yup, I'm ending this little write up here! Byeeeee peeps!!




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We have a few in common for groups xD cept im not into girl groups tht much xD
same bias in solos
Hi5 xD
yesjams- #2
Ha! Through the whole thing, I was like : "Girl, you and I have a lot in common!"
But who's your bias from Exo? Lel I'm curious.