
Hello :D So I'm totally exhausted today and will be going to bed soon (to read, lol) but I decided to post my newer posters cause...yea why not :D the one I've just finished is pretty special to me lol.




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Dear Katakatica,
I've been following your work here for a while and I must say I adore your artwork (I still dont understand the book thing tho IZ IT BLACK MAGIC??),so I finally decided to make a move,speak up and request a poster from you. Very unfortunately it isn't for a fanfiction (YET),but I desperately need a picture for my tumblr blog's background,and hence I don't possess the knowledge of editing at all I'm kind of stuck with an ugly picture of some beach landscape. I really don't have any specific aims in mind,you may know about my Block B obsession ( I mean u seen me after the concert in my postconcert-depression state and u heard my raspy voice from shouting my lungs out),so my only request would be a Block B featuring on the poster-you have my complete trust,you may do whatever you want with the poster. If you decide to hate me and use Kim Namjoon instead of Block B I'll still be very glad to use it.
But please don't do that.
And I'm totally not rushing you,it's totally fine if you delay this for a later time to make,it isnt urgent and I don't want you to work a lot on it. Sorry for my grammar,English isn't my first language.
And be happy! *whispers* something great may be coing your way...
Best wishes, (have a BBombASStic day)
Very beautiful ♡♡
Imperfect fairytale's idea is cool!
These are amazing
that book idea looks so cool! Very unique!
These are super cool!