I have a job! Life is starting now!

So I just came back from the job interview for a fulltime job (to which I was late because I don't have orientation sense; like I am smart and very good at maths and stuff but I can't memorize directions -.-) and I have a fulltime job now! 

On June 1st my 'school' will start and last until June 3rd. It's a call center I will work at and I will work inbound, meaning I will take calls and answer questions. For this you need to study of course. Then I can sign my contract on June 4th if I like it there!

I am so happy *^* 

That means I can update less but I will finally earn money and finally study in October and save for an apartment! From my first salary I will definitely get a new laptop. (I want the microsoft surface 3, used you can get it for 250€ already:3) 

Oh god, I am so happy!


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Congratulations :)
Congratulations! I knew you could do it ^-^
Congrats!!! <3
IMeMyandMine #5
CONGGRATS!!!! I bet you break a leg :P Awesome ♥