Well then.... *WARNING* RANT

Exams are rolling this week and it seems like everythings going alll shfkdshfodjfpsdkfpasdkmasdnksapfndsfw

Hahahaha (im seriously laughing guys, XD) 

But yeah prior towards exams and revision a lot of stuff has happened, like it literally just smacks me in the face and i need to VENT. 

So yaha here goes to another rant with moi XP (dont u just love these? keke) 

I guess all ma problems (well they arent really problems... but whatever) started on saturday, the day my media group and I were meant to meet up in the city to shoot for our production. 

We made plans to meet up at 10am outside the library but then this happened: 

1) the day before, my friend chose a broken tripod and one of the legs fell down the stairs as she was walking up and my best friend saw it and tried running after her to give it back, but she was too late cos she hopped on the bus.Therefore i had to make a stop at her house to go and get it -_-

2) IT WAS POURING FULL ON! Those who know me well, you all know i love rain and pretty much ur average pluviophile but really?! REALLY?!!! OF ALL DAYS?! Why God... Why?... U control the weather dont u?! TT^TT But nevermind, we still agreed to pull thru and meet up but then....


DUN DUN DUNNNN (this is getting to worse part of my day and im cutting it short cos re-told this story like 100x due to some idiots who heard the wrong version of it.) 

3) I waited out in the rain for 1 hr, got soaked and had to go and change and no one in my group was msging me and keeping me updated on their whereabouts, only they are "going to be late" 

and by "late" it was supposed to be 1-15mins late not an HOUR okay?

4) one of our group members is a complete *insert swear word here* and she was meant to buy props like 2 days before the shoot day but nup, girlfriend here thought she would make a "little" shopping trip on the day AND time we were meant to meet up, Nice one. 

5) Our extras were running late cos they had no clue what the shrimp they were doing cos SOMEONE didnt brief them, (and keep in mind im not close or do not have any relations with these people at all) so when "girlfriend" actually no.... let's call her "B", yah so when "B" decided to take charge and organize everything and messaged me that one of our extras had arrived and i should meet him first at a cafe outside the library. So i msg her back saying "Which cafe is ______________ at cos theres 2?" and she like read my message then IGNORED me so i was like "fine i'll check both" anddd got soaked again cos Sehun was being an ath with the wind and turned my umbrella inside out and our extra wasnt at any of the cafes outside the library, took me another 15 mins to locate him and when I did it was super awkward cos we didnt know each other and i felt guilty we pulled him in to this because 

  • He was sick 
  • he hates "B" but only decided to help out cos hes good friends with one of my other group members
  • had an appointment in the next hour and needed to rush 
  • he was stuck with me for another hour cos NO ONE ELSE TURNED UP

Which leads on to part,

6) My friend FINALLY ARRIVES and then she started crying cos i was beyond pissed already at her and "B" for making me and our extra wait and only to see him leave the building cos he had to go to another appointment and we wasted an hour of his life that he'll never get back AND it was still raining. So to cut to the chase a little me, her and another friend who has her own media group and their own issues decided to cool off and go and eat lunch somewhere. But as we walked out of the library guess who we see chilling with a hot latte and a friend? 

"B". YUP. 

Thanks for letting us know u arrived safely without telling us. And get this, she went up to us and was like "OMG! Ive been standing here for 15mins! where have u been?" 

Then my friend storms away and Im left with her going "Right... shes pissed at u, i;m pissed at u please. just go ok? I cant deal with u right now and dont u start with me about waiting cos i waited for 2hrs!" and i walked away and chilled pretty much with my 2 chingus until one had to go back and me and the other one had to go film SOMETHING without "B" and meet up with our other group member who we knew was gonna be late cos he works and doesnt finish till 2:30pm and we walked aroud trying to cast some hot, single and young guys our age to be in our production as an extra. (we did find somone from Topman who fitted in the whole critera and he kept coming up to me when i was trying out a jacket asking if i needed help while my friends were oogling over him (one of them is gay) and my friend was like "u can help by being in our media production! ;P" which made me laugh like crazy and make my day cos ive never been "boy-hunting" or "Casting" as they called it before and it was pretty damn funny how they tried flirting with him but unfortunately he couldnt help cos he was working (duhh) but yas, he was hot. even i'll admit that which is something new... O.o  but yah pretty shizzing weekend cos there was this whole fued going on cos B has a blabber mouth of a banshee as a best friend and shes just as nosey as any freaking ahjumma except 100000x worse. ANd it took FOREVER to clarify the whole situation and we just finished shooting yesterday and now editing. So things are kinda a moving which is good.... Just to get one thing straight though. I aint working with B even if my life depended on it EVER again. 

And just when i got over THAT drama a new one rolls in today~ *whoops* 

One thing u guys should know is that my group of friends dont really have fights or disputes at all and we're pretty much chilled and hella good with each other 99.9% of the time but theres always that one annoying person who would storm in from no-where and disrupt our valley of peace cos apparently our group is like a self-help or refugee centre where peeps can just roll in and go "ARGHHHH!! I need a place to sit for a while~ THANKS!" *plonks down on my seat* 

All im gonna say is even refugees gotta fill some paper work too so... MOVE! 

Jk!~ XD 

Nah, but theres been disputes with one of our mutual friends from another group and ones kinda relocated back to ours but we dont mind (< i just said that to be polite..)  but itz just the DRAMA that annoys me, like bro look, i know u have issues and ur seeing someone about that (namely me) but i aint ur therapist! And i want to eat my lunch in peace without u ing around and stuff! Please, go and find urself something to do and live ur life! There's no secret casting people here, so NO ONE is gonna scout u to be the next Jun Jihyun. Sorry to rain on ur parade but someones gotta be realistic. 

And then lastly i just found out a hour ago that one of my best friends has been dating a guy for a week and she didnt tell me at all. 

And no she didnt exactly "tell me" today either. 

It was on a group chat with other peoples and we were talking about exams and the  she suddenly appears going "Omg mum took away my phone and u had to say no to him"

And we all know who "him" is right? (if ya dont know its her crush/mutual crush) 

And I assumed that he asked her out so i was like "so u rejected him?..." cos this convo was kinda confusing 

then she goes, "NO! We've been dating for a week." 

and im like Whut?,... 

My other friends: "OMGGGG!!! WTH! WTF!!! WHY DIDNT U SAY ANYTHING?!!!" *virtual hits and other girl shiz* 

Me: "ok then..." 

Best Friend: >< 

Me: *leaves* 

LIKE OK! I know that this is kinda petty and im still laughing at myself about this and everything else ive just mentioned but COME ON?! Really?! 

I feel like strangling her! like shes my best friend and she didnt even tell me! And whats worse is that she didnt tell me in person or intend to tell me at all for God knows how long. AND when she started liking him she didnt mention it, i had to find out from someone else and it made feel like a total piece of poop cos im meant to be her best friend, shouldnt i have known first? U know how bad and embarrass i feel that everyone else seemed to know except for me? How i was placed in a very awkward and lousy situation is just... 


I mean i understand this isnt the end of the world and im being dramatic but i feel that everything is falling apart and shes more interested with talking with her bf and our other friend cos they are in the same dance class and dance group together and its ok cos yeah itz her life but a little warning wouldve been nice no? 

We are both straightforward and real people, and i just dont want to talk to her at the moment cos idk what to feel or do any more and i really need to study now so...

bye guys! and sorry if nothing made sense and for any typos cos im on my phone + for actually having to put up with me by reading all of this XD

U guys have been so great with me putting up with shiet that i cant seem to tell anyone else so thanks a bunch of kpop stars!~ 


- Aera 




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yeah i know how it totally feels. tsk tsk. two words, 'THAT '.
Omg, about your friend's crush.....now I feel really bad for my friend~~~><