Reached 4000 unique subscribers today on May 18th!

Oh guys, can you believe it?? 4000 people reading my stories! Omg! I guess you can believe how happy I am! It is still kind of unbelievable to me that people read my stories at all! I don't even know what to write here xD Whaaa, I am so happy! Take this, dear haters! 

So currently I will be focusing on following stories: 

Lamia Lupus | Extra-Curricular Activities | Untold Secrets | Crescendo | Prison of Love & Pain | Ex + Ex = New Love

I will try to finish the three neglected one shots of mine xD A ZhouRy, HanChul/TeukChul and a TaoRis one xD I have a ZhouChul one in progress and a jongkey chaptered fic and Trouble Maker fic as well. Gosh, I still have loads of other stories on going and to be edited. I am a lazy .-. 

Oh well, I will do it somehow between trying to get a job and an apartment xD

Follow my line@ acc for updates and random stuff! Oh and if you see haters writing crap about me please screenshot it and send it to me<3


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Congrats!!! =D I'm so happy for you!!!
Wow!!! CONGRATS :p