felt like doing this quiz

Have you ever:
: 1. Skipped class?  i'm in university, it's almost mandatory to skip at least once hah.
: 2. Done drugs? yes (weed is a drug right?)
: 3. Self harmed?  in the liberal sense of the word?
: 4. Drank? more than is good for me
: 5. Shoplifted? no
: 6. Gotten a tattoo? no, but i'm planning on getting one.
: 7. Broken up with someone? no
What's your favorite:
: 8. Show?  tough one. probably sherlock or american horror story
: 9. Movie? ugh, erm, crows zero maybe or the hunger games movies...the hobbit ones. ahh so hard!
: 10. Song?  aww don't make me pick. according to itunes it's still GD's one of a kind, but i feel it's probably more block b's HER
: 11. Tumblr? i'm not that active anymore there, but i do like the nightblogging ones
: 12. Singer/Band? big bang (gd especially) and panic at the disco. shared first place.
: 13. Memory? i don't really have one--
: 14. Book? Jan de Leeuw - frozen rooms
This or that:
: 15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? ability to fly definitely. i already mastered the art of invisibility
: 16. Cookies or Cake? cookies fer sure
: 17. Twitter or Facebook? facebook
: 18. Movies or Books?  love books, but don't really have time for them so movies
: 19. Coke or Sprite?  Coke, but can't have either...
: 20. Blind or Deaf? blind
: 21. Tea or Coffee? coffee
What's your:
: 22. Age? 20 (for another month)
: 23. Sign? Cancer
: 24. Height- 5'7
: 25. ual orientation? bicurious
: 26. Shoe size? 39.5
: 27. Religion? christian (but in the liberal sense)
: 28. Longest relationship? like in friendship? with my bff's it's been 6 years whoop!
Opinion on:
: 29. Gay rights? they're people too!
: 30. Second chances?  should be allowed. everyone makes mistakes.
: 31. Long distance relationships? my parents survived the long distance better than being near each other. just sayin'. most of the times it doesn't work though (such jealousy omg)
: 32. Abortion? you wanna do it then do it. you don't, then you don't. it's simple. give people the choice.
: 33. The death penalty? should be allowed for people that did terrible, terrible things. life sentences now are only 25 years...wtf is up with that though.
: 34. ? i've seen people enjoy it, and that's okay, but i've also seen what too much gives and it's not pretty. use it moderately!
: 35. Love?  eh.
Do you:
: 36. Believe in ghost? sometimes i feel like i do, but i can't see it explained scientifically so it's hard to stick to believing.
: 37. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it?  away
: 38. Sleep with the door opened or closed?  closed
: 39. Love someone?  my parents? friends? sehun? who knows
: 40. Still watch cartoons? yes
: 41. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?  no
: 42. Like yourself? eh, not really.


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