First Blog

So i really wanna try writing this exo fic i have stuck in my head but i only know how to get alittle bit down because Im afraid to go all out and get lost when i dont have that much down in the first place. Plus i  am worried about what view i should write in and Im worried if it changes too much or i start writing nonsense. Should i post the little i have as a forword and gauge the response?Any advice is welcome as i have no clue what to do. Thank You


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you should start writing what you have but take it slow, take your time to think what you want this story to be.
i'll be happy to read it ( so if you post it tell me^^)
Well, maybe you should just put the main idea in the foreword, since it is basically a summary. Don't put the whole story there, just the idea, so people can imagine it fro a second. There will be many ways it can be put, and maybe people would want to know.

The view is up to you. You can do from the viewer's point, and make the character 'Think' to him/herself. So they know every part of the story. Or, you could even do one chapter one person's view, and another like a meanwhile. :)

I hope I helped, I am not a good author XD