Come Join G.A. RP!

✷ G.A. RP ✷

Welcome to the Milky Way Galaxy.
Here, the three nebulae Carina, Orion and Rosette co-exist but not in peace.

Where do you belong?
In Carina - For the thirsty?
Rosette - The intelligent noblesse?
Orion - The fun lovers?
Or are you a traveler, who roams between all three?

Can you forge alliances between the three before it's too late?

❋ Recently Cleaned Out - Lots of characters available!
❋ Galaxy Themed AU
❋ Facebook Based
❋ All ualities welcome!
❋ Internationals welcome!

Join now:



Hey guys so I love this roleplay! The people are so awesome and even though I am not an admin I love this rp to death. I've roleplayed a lot and this one feels like home to me. So please check out this roleplay because it is awesome!! I promise you won't regret it. There isn't a lot of people and we want more people to join so please join! Thank you loves! <3


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