What I've Done...

What have I done?? bold for what i have done. stolen like a boss from 2hyun5ever

Had a beerdoes it count if I took a sip? But Canadian Wine #best 

Smoked an entire cigarette. ewww no.

Written on a bathroom wall. ain't nobody got time for that

Read a George Orwell book. 

Had a physical fight. 

Used Twitter  ye. just to stalk BTS and follow some youtubers..

Listened to Lady Gaga   uh huh when she was the thang

Been in a car accident. Yup, when I was 5

Gotten suspended. 

Gotten expelled.

Been allergic to something. annoying people. Nah im allegic to a certain antibiotics.

Got a computer virus. yep from russia.

Touched a real gun.

Had a dog. 

Had a cat. 

Been pregnant.

Camped Out  

Swam in the ocean. Duh I live in Australia. 

Wore a bikini.  WTH NO! Omg... even if i did i would wear a huge oversize t-shirt over it like I do with my tankini and other swimsuits. 

Driven a car. At the beach. 

Been sent to the principal. Yeah to fix her computer and to do the layout for the school paper.

Ever liked someone. define like. But I suppose I have... 

Failed a class. my terms of "fail" is 50% and less so... yah. 

Failed a test. it's uncountable. the number of tests ive failed

Went to summer school.

Got worse than a D. Nope but I got my first D this year... eugh. 

Got A’s and B’s  ye man

Read an entire book  trillions

Recorded my own music. does music include playing the piano if yeah i rec my piano playing a bunch of times...

Had an xbox. My bros but I use it. 

Worn heels more than 3 days in a row. 

Wore fishnets.  ewwww

Wore skinny jeans. signature look bro. 

Hated someone. OH HELL YEAH YOU WOULDN' TUNDERSTAND unless you saw it for yourself (well hate is a strong word... I say STRONGLY DISLIKE) 

Been cheated on. Maybe.... If you counted what happened as "cheating" 

Cheated on someone. 

Worn makeup. it must be something so important for me to wear it. Only for Media productions and dance concerts. 

Lied to my parents about where I was going. once. 

Had surgery.  how about braces isn't that orthodontic surgery oh WAIT that's orthodontic treatment oops my bad :P

Had my license.

Self harmed. im not gonna bold this but i scratched myself with a penknife for the feeling??

Worn coloured contacts? No... cos it will take me 12764374hrs to get them on, and I won't be able to take them off at all. 

Painted my nails black.  yup when my cousin gave me Nicole's O.P.I Black bobble nail polish. it was cool. 

Broken someone’s heart.

Had my heart broken. yas. 

Cried for an hour straight. ain't nobody got time fo dat and my tears are precious so NO.

Lost something very valuable.  how about losing all my music and pictures on my phone on my computer its a long story

Got separated from one of my parents as a kid. 

Broken a bone. 

Gotten stung by a bee. wasp.

Eaten something bad/expired.

Threw up from being so drunk.

Saw someone throw up from being so drunk.

Danced with someone of the same . tbh who hasn't? But if it was a partner dance too then yes, cos there was toomany girls and my guy friends and I thought it was hilarious, besides all the other chicks were sweating like pigs while I was doing the easy steps with the guys XD 

Owned an ipod. 

Owned an iphone.  

Fell for a best friend.

Stole a friend’s significant other. 

Went far away from home for more than a week. to Thailand and China twice.

Moved out. 

Ran away. i hate running like i would run back home after five minutes for my bed

Had a job.

Been fired.

Lied to a friend.

Lied to a family member. 

Had a Facebook. 

Posted a video on Youtube.  

Started a rumor about someone.

Talked bad about someone. every other day man it probably hurts to be in my radius i guess?

Deliberately failed a test. if i didn't study i say just wing it man and so i do and yeah

Been skinny dipping.

Counted to a million.

Counted to a thousand.

Ate rabbit meat.

Ate duck meat.

Ate junk food. 

Been to Church. 

Been to Canada. 

Been married.

Had a divorce.

Broke a glass. yeah some plate in home ec once.

Hugged someone today. My twin. 

Texted someone today.   yeah my friend. 

Threw something out of the window.  yaha, my friend and I thought it would be funny to throw water balloons at his neighbours XD we were 12 okay? 

Wished you were somebody else.

Had my feelings hurt by a friend and never told them. all shall be revealed in due time... 

Been to a concert.  MLAQ, Ailee, Alexander, Wheesung, TMF (2k13 concert)

Met a celebrity. I accidentally walked into MBLAQ's practice when they were rehearsing cos the stage door was next to the female toilets and I got confused. They waved and smiled a me and my friend and we died and the manager let us stay for 2 minutes and then kicked us out. 

Met Your favourite band not yet.But one day. 

Own more than 10 CDs 


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