I'm really sorry :'(

Hy~ I just want to tell that,I really really sorry if I did something with you guys or maybe hurt someones feeling! >.< Sorry for being a bad friend to you all (If you think that Im a bad person~ :( ) Sorry too if Im so late to reply all your messages.. :( I dont know why I suddenly think that Im feel guilty without some reasons and I felt something bad gonna happen to me T^T (Its not that I want that happen >.< but I can feel it~) You know what guys...I really have some fun,have a nice conversation with you all :) But still,I feel too sorry to you guys! T^T Thank you sooo much for being my friends! :) You guys are so kind for me! :) But I have one question for you all.. Am I a bad friend to you? (Just tell me the truth,Im not going to mad :) cuz I deserve it >.<)


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You're the best! I can see that ur a good person to apologize to us without doing wrong. I envy u. XOXO
jun-kiseob_b2uty #2
i could see that you aren't bad, you're kinda nice to be talked to, so you're a good friend, at least that's what i thought. are we friend anyway?^.^ so, yup. you're not a bad friend at all! don't make yourself think otherwise! and you're welcome if i could be included in your list friends:) don't sad and feel sorry about it.

Feeling guilty out of no where?

I don't really know you, but I don't think you are a bad friend.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQOrJHqei9g enjoy

Lolz those feelings are random.
Lean back and grab popcorn.
Ehhh I don't know why you felt like that, but you're not a bad friend! I have fun talking to you, too! :)