Chuc mung sinh nhat em~

Sending a happy mother ing birthday to my dongsaeng :3

She turned 16 today~ 

I remember when she was like 9 years old and now she is going to be a junior in high school ;A; Kya~



Even though I ing hate your guts sometimes because well.... you're a hormonal teenage girl. I love you head <3 I couldn't ask for a better younger sister..... well I mean I could... and I would... but I guess you can stay ;D I love that you always do my hair for me and wanna go on adventures because we don't hang out a lot. It makes me happy. 

I love having our little Korean food date nights. 

It's hard to believe that you were this little 9 year old girl I first met in a inflatable pool filled with water balloons and now you are this hardworking and overacheiving high school student.

Even though you are a cry baby and majority of the time a ing lazy . I still love you.


If I could explain her personality.... it would be... V's 4-D hyperness mixed with JB's quick temper.





Chuc Mung Sinh Nhat~

Chi thuong em <3


Toi biet toi am thanh Viet Nam nhu mot cham nam tuoi, nhung toi chỉ muon the hien long biet on cua toi.

Toi se co gang cua toi kho khan nhat de tiep tuc hoc tap





I normally don't post pictures of myself, but WHY THE HELL NOT XD



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Happy Birthday