Day 10 - Favorite episode of You Are My Oppa


My favorite snippet from that episode (episode 3)


yes, myungsoo, blowdry that hair reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal nice.


sungyeol is my bias but he does not deserve these kind of scenes... L is a match-made in heaven for shower scenes.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT if I had to choose a favorite episode and my reasons WEREN'T erted... it's still episode 3. Where Mithra is teaching them about . :D Funny things they said (idk the exact quote, it's from the top of my head):

Woohyun - What's a hormone? I know Digimon but not hormones.

L - Hyung, how big is yours?

Sunggyu - Why do girls fall under a spell every month?


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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I thought it was Woohyun in the shower... I told you I thought they looked alike. HOLY . THAT CUT WAS HILARIOUSSSSSSSSSSS! Still not watching You're MY Oppa, though. No time T.T