So... She's two now...

Just a quick update. I don't know if I've discussed this, but yes.... Key is 2. The 'terrible twos' are not just some myth older parents tell you in order to freak you out. It's REAL... I swear it is. Then... Her molars are coming in, she can only fall asleep to 'Brown Eyed Soul', her food CANNOT touch and I even find myself arguing with her over what to wear in the mornings. Since when does she know more about fashion than I do? She insisted on wearing her hair this way and I had no other choice but to let her. Her individuality is coming into play now. She knows what she thinks looks good and Mommy has no clue. 


I thought I had longer to prepare for this. But nope. 

She's still a SHAWol, though. So, I'm happy about that. However, she's no long an MVP. 

-shakes head-

She's a Blinger.

Kim Jonghyun has stolen another heart.

-rolls eyes-

ANYWAY... Enjoy the blurry pic...

See you soon.

(Or as soon as she lets me take another pic)




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Lol that's hilarious. Can't believe she's already 2. I feel old. Bet she's quite a talker then. Now we have to compete for Jjong grrr lol. I think soon she'll like key. Then tae and Minho. Glad she likes kpop ^^ gah i can't wait to have a baby. I still need to find some cute clothes and send them. Promise before Christmas i will! But i need to know her sizes and then I'll go a little up from there in case she grows fast
ahhhhh have fun with that~
shes still cute as hell tho.
a blinger?! well she has time to see the error of her ways I suppose...
Wow, two already? That's amazing! Time really does fly, haha. She's as adorable as ever! <3