Key. Is. Grumpy.


I know I haven't posted any pictures of the smaller diva Key in a while, and a friend of mine wanted "the cute", so I shall share it. (Wherever it may be.) Keep in mind, that this Key is not the cheerful, wonderful Key from before. The Key who was so quick to smile and be all happy and ... Nah... This is the grumpy faced, nearly two year old who probably wishes that me and my camera would die. Quickly. In a fiery car crash. Or... Maybe not, since SHE'S STILL FEEDING AND REFUSES TO SELF-WEAN!


So, Brookie, this blog post is for you!

See how she is?

Won't let me get ONE GOOD PICTURE!




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precious baby as always
my mom says kids won't self-wean on their own, she says you have ot make them
anyway, good luck lol
So cute and precious. She has big eyes to match her big fro haha. Which means she will do big things ^^
that hair
so cute
quit your whining woman, even grumpy key is adorable
and yes, terrible twos seem to be fast approaching
you have my condolences