I Know You Like Me (Best Quotes)

I Know You Like Me
Best Quotes:
It's finally over, which means we must look at some of my favorite moments in I Know You Like Me! Seeing that little word "Completed" underneath really hits you in your soul, at least it does for me. I'm incredibly sad that it's over because this story was really fun to write, and it got pretty popular very quickly which makes me a happy bunny! :D Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying I Know You Like Me and stay tuned for more stories to come! Heenah for life!! ^.^
1) "Did you eat my cake?"
~ Kim Heechul (His first words to Leenah Jung)
2) He was definitely not jealous, and he definitely did not like her.
3) He wasn't going to lie, he was afraid. Afraid of her.
4) He hated her. The way everyone crowded around her, listening to her every word, wanting her to be included in everything they did. What was so special about her?
5) "Maybe you're not always that bad."
~ Kim Heechul
6) "I am not going to be stuck with this bucket of nuts all weekend."
~ Leenah Jung (referring to Heechul)
7) "Did you make love in the darkness with only the moonlight to guide you?"
~ Kangin
8) She frustrated him to a certain degree, a degree he couldn't understand or put into words.
9) "I know she likes me."
~ Kim Heechul
10) "I know he likes me!"
~ Leenah Jung
11) The feeling was mutual, they were equally weak for each other.
12) Why was he so crazy for her like this? Why was his mind and body so crazy for someone he didn't even like? Why did he crave to have his lips on hers?
13) He was scared. Did he feel something more for her? No, he couldn't have any other feelings for her. He couldn't make that obvious to her though, she wouldn't understand. He didn't even understand it.
14) "I'm still prettier than all of you."
~Kim Heechul
15) He didn't like that she was invading his personal work space. To top it off, she now has to tell him what to do, which he was absolutely not okay with. A rookie couldn't be the boss of him, that's just not right!
16) Those two have also been holding hands for way too long now. Single for barely a month and she is already holding hands with another man? Not okay! Right? Right?
17) Why did every little thing have to turn into a fight?
18) "I don't know how else to act around her."
~ Kim Heechul
19) Girls are stressful, why did this one have to be the worst of all? Just why?
20) "You're not that bad of a guy."
~ Leenah Jung
21) "Oh come on, I'm sorry! I swear I didn't see anything! Trust me! If I did, you know for a fact you, Kim SoonYee, would be the one locked out here and I would be the one in there, all alone, with my gorgeous angel!"
~ Kim Heechul
22) "Promise me one thing? Let's try our best to never speak in unison ever again."
~ Leenah Jung
23) "I swear, she's trying to kill me."
~ Kim Heechul
24) ' "You're right, it really is pretty." Heechul said once he was standing next to her. Yet she didn't notice that when he said that, he was staring at her, not the necklace.'
25) "Admit it, you like her! You wouldn't do all this for someone you didn't like."
~ Henry
26) "If you want the truth, I loved her more than anything, and I just didn't know it."
~ Kim Heechul
27) 'It wasn't too hard to be nice to her after all. Who knew?'
28) 'They were getting along, and they didn't want to just let the moment pass by. This might not happen again, it was going to be savored.'
29) 'Whenever he was nervous like this, stuff would just blurt out of his mouth. What will he say this time?'
30) "Sometimes when I was a kid, I thought about what it would've been like if I were raised in America. I always imagined that I would've been a popular kid, I would have a lot of friends, and I would've been able to speak English. Maybe if all that happened, I would be terrible at the Korean language instead, you know?"
~ Leenah Jung
31) "Oh okay, first you wanted to kill something every time you're forced to be next to her, now you actually want to be next to her all the time? What's wrong with you?"
~ Henry
32) 'Please like me. I won't be able to bear it if you hate me too.'
~ Leenah Jung
33) "When I was a kid, I thought I was Korean like everyone else. Then one day at school, this group of kids started to make fun of me, thinking I couldn't understand them. I looked in a mirror and realized how different I actually looked from everyone else. There was no one else around who looked like me..."
~ Leenah Jung
34) 'There was someone out there who was probably just as lost as she was, like she had been. There was someone out there, who could understand her. The only thing was, she didn't know where that someone was.'
35) 'He wanted to push her off a cliff but also be the one that catches her when she reached the bottom.'
36) "I love her."
~ Kim Heechul
37) "Ever since I first met you, we did nothing but fight, but our fighting is what helps us love and understand each other a little more each and every time."
~ Kim Heechul
38) "When I was having a good day, you would always ruin it. And when I was having a bad day, you would usually always ruin that too."
~ Leenah Jung
39) "Thank you for being my friend and making impossible miracles happen for me. I hope that one day I can make one happen for you too."
~ Leenah Jung
40) "Leenah Jung, you are my miracle."
~ Kim Heechul
41) "Kim Heechul, if being y and beautiful was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged."
~ Leenah Jung
42) "What, a guy can't hang out in a bush once in a while?"
~ Cho Kyuhyun
43) "I think you're beautiful no matter what."
~ Kim Heechul
44) "Heechul, we hate each other. That's our thing."
~ Leenah Jung'
45) "Don't hate me because of one stupid fight. Because, not a million fights could make me hate you."
~Leenah Jung
46) "I'm so happy to get the best view in Seoul, possibly all of Korea."
~Kim Heechul
47) "You're my girl you know that."
~Kim Heechul
48) "I'm glad we can finally be together."
~Kim Heechul
49) "Then you loved me for the same reason you hated me, the kind of person I was. If you ask me, that's pretty cool of you."
~Leenah Jung
50) 'He knew she liked him, he had always known. More importantly he knew now, that he had always liked her.'
51) 'The words were so simple, yet they will be the most important words he'll ever say.' "Leenah Jung, will you, will you marry me?"
~Kim Heechul
52) "Kim Heechul and Leenah Jung, forever."
~Leenah Jung
53) "So that's how it all happened."
~Kim SoonYee
54) "We fight a lot, but that's just something we do. It's like a part of our lifestyle, we're used to it. We know it's never serious, we always forgive each other and forget. We like it this way, you're all just gonna have to get used to that."
~Leenah Jung
55) "You're all man to me."
~Leenah Jung
56) 'Her crying broke out into another bad cough, making her feel even worse. She hoped that it would soon end, but she knew it really wouldn't. That was her new reality.'
57) "You're ripping my heart out right now. Do you just expect me to be okay with that?"
~Kim Heechul
58) "The thought of losing you or you not being okay is so unreal to me."
~Kim Heechul
59) "Ever since I first met you, we did nothing but fight, but our fighting is what helps us love and understand each other a little more each and every time. That's what I said. You said, we may fight a lot, but as long as we can move on from it like we always do, then we'll be okay. Time may try us, but we get through it together. We fight together and we're stubborn as hell. But I love you for that."
~Kim Heechul
60) "Just this morning he said how happy he was to finally be as he puts it, y free and single."
~Choi Siwon
61) "I know I'm not good at expressing my feelings in the best way. I seem like I'm being insensitive, but it's not because I'm insensitive. It's because I'm one of the most sensitive people I've ever known."
~Kim Heechul
62) "I hate when I hurt you, whether when we were together or not. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I've always loved you. And I'm not going to just let you go. Now all I ask is, can you say the same for me?"
~Kim Heechul
63) 'If she could go back in time and tell herself that she would end up falling in love with Kim Heechul, she knew she wouldn't have believed it. Who would've thought their paths were ever cross anyway? Well they did, and she wouldn't change it for the world.'
64) 'Some would say, "it's fate". Some would say, "it's chance". Some would say, "it's just love".'
65) "I like fighting about stupid things together because we both know we don't really care about it, so it doesn't do any harm. We shouldn't hold our anger in, and it's obvious that not fighting is impossible or else we'll go crazy. Yelling will make you feel better so do it."
~Kim Heechul
66) "Did you know that before I met you, I was afraid that I was never going to have a girl fall in love with me and end up alone forever?"
~Kim Heechul
67) "You know that the best person in the world loves you more than anything, right? And that he's so grateful that someone like you came into his life?"
~Kim Heechul
68) "You have made me so proud with everything you've accomplished. That deal we made when we first met doesn't matter anymore because you beat every expectation I had of you."
~Kim Heechul
69) "I went a long time hoping that one day I would be accepted and loved by at least one person. Now there's not just one or two, there's thousands. Just knowing that is enough to keep me happy the rest of my life."
~Leenah Jung
70) "I know it might not be quite the same without me, but don't let it effect your love and support for the others."
~Leenah Jung
71) "Thanks for sharing this entire experience with me. I'm thankful that I didn't have to go through this journey alone."
~Leenah Jung
72) "For whatever achievements we make, we'll always remember to thank you too."
73) 'Goodbyes were never easy to do, but true friendship always makes it just a bit easier.'
74) "No matter how much time passes I don't think your feet will ever forget those steps, even if they wanted to."
75) "You're the greatest friend anyone could hope to have, I can't thank you enough for that."
~Leenah Jung (referring to SoonYee)
76) 'That road will always be bumpy, but neither of them couldn't ask for someone better to travel it with.'
77) "I always knew you were the one for me."
~Kim Heechul


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