Ready to Kill Some Feels

Okay, the spam needs to stop. like no--I had enought of this!!!! Seriously, STOP TROLLING US BTS!!!!!!!!! I thought I could survive 29th April (MY BIRTHDAY EXCUSE YOU) without dying. But with these spam of teasers, I don't think I can. I am already feeling like I'm on cloud nine because they are coming back.... NOT ONLY COMING BUT COMING BACK ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I want to scream and cry all of a sudden. Just imagine what is ahead of us before 29th hits. MV teasers, hightlight meldley.....

Yep I'm not ready.... Not ready to die out of feels overdose. And I am pretty sure you might be feeling the same.




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Yes omfg, i feel, i feel. I feel like im going to pass out because all this is too much ;;;;
but Happy Advanced Birthday! Just in case i forget hahaha <3