Tao?? No u didn't!

Tao's Dad confirmed that Tao has agreed to leave Exo!!! Health reasons n the very well known SM n its bad treatment.. WAT Z DO WE DO NOW! Like No kriao :-( ;-( ;-( is there even an "EXO-M" from now on??? My heart ing broke,okay? :-@ ;-( ;-( #badThingsJustKEEPhappening ;-( ;-( ;-(


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I mean in my opinion I feel bad that he left because exo-m is like not exo-m anymore, at all, even when kris left BUT im happy they left because now all three can prioritize their health which sm obviously didnt take care of and I find that more important than them being together, suffering because of their health, just for their fans, I think all three did good even if I miss them. So I just support them no matter what.
It's gonna be sad if he does leave, but if it's for his health then I support him no matter what.
ireallyrock #3
I really hope that he is not out!
Oh god guys don't believe anything that is not from Tao or SM!!! If tao said that himself okay, but he didn't. And I am always seeing fans or other people saying that he is a farther concerned for his son. Nothing against that, but the trainee periods of a trainee is way harsher isn't it? And why would his farther speak about it in the public in the first place? I think that Tao doens't want to leave EXO and had an argment with his father, who want the best for his son. SO rather than talking it out with Tao more, ge goes to the media.
Just don't believe anything so fast. Wait for official statements :)
kimsfangirl #5
I feel so dead after reading that...
Oh gosh no...