Confessions of a DramaQueen ! ( Random )Why ?

Hey ^^ .

Do Not Say I Didn't Warn You ! 

This blog is gonna be insanely random ! 

why ?

Because i will basically pour out all my emotions for the past few days .

But first , let me share a bunch of beneficial links for interested writers ~~ 



This one had me cracking up ~~ i like learning in that way ~ with humor/sarcasm implemented into  it .

Especially the quotes ~ 

Especially " Pity the reader "


Another site ~


Yet another !


And finally ~



Do tell me what you think and if you like it or not ~~

Scratch that !! you have to enjoy it ! xD it's so cool ! 





Anyways .. let's move on to my daily doze of whining ^^ 

" You can't get rid of him " 

Remember SNL 5ShoG  ? 

If you watched it , you will know what i implied ~ 



So ~ .. the thing is 

I feel i have been slapped quite multiple times , (expectations - wise)  in such a short span of time And i don't just mean here ! 


To the point i finally reached the limit of nonchalance .

There has been this quote in a twitter account called chillvibes ? 

It says , " At this point , i don't even care anymore , whatever happens happens , i'm just going with the flow " 

That's how i feel now .
You guys may think it's not a big deal , but it is ! 
Let me explain what having high " Expectations " brings about .
When you get so excited for something you just can't stay still , when you keep replaying different scenarios of how things would end happily ( the way you imagined it to be ) you prepare everything , you wait , you count days , minutes and seconds until that day , everything goes smooth at first  , then suddenly gets harshly crushed ! 
That's what happens next  , you feel your heart sinking.. for a mere second !
A ing second , nonetheless it stabs you right where it hurts ! 
This mere second is capable of making you drown in tears instantly ! 
I don't know if i'm supposed to feel grateful that i'm finally free , that i finally Do not care , do not trust , do not expect too much Because that's a good thing . 
However , to know that i have come to this point by hurting way too many times because of my stupid uncontrollable expectation , is obviously rather sad .
You know what else is sad ? 
Let me take you in a short and quick  journey .
Today , when i got home from college ,with  my dad driving next to me .
I caught a glimpse of  the gate keeper / night-watch of our neighbors ( The villa next to us ) .
I could swear He doesn't move an inch from his spot , his spot on the pavement sitting all day long , (yea in the sun and everything) . 
Turning to my dad , i asked him " Does he always sit like this ? " 
My dad was checking the windows so we could get out of the car ( safety from theft is a priority ! ) , 
He sighed saying "the man doesn't have a .."
I interrupted him " a wife ? " 
My dad nodded adding " Not only that , he seems to not have a room to live in " 
Can you imagine this ? 
To say i was flabbergasted would be an understatement . 
I averted my eyes to the lone old man sitting there , his right hand supporting his face .
I couldn't believe it and so i asked my dad if he was kidding which turned out to be no .
" Where does he sleep then ?! " I hastily asked making my dad uneasy , he didn't know much about that .
Thoughts tornado ed in my head . ( Do not tell me there's no such word. ) 
How  must he feel ? 
No wife , consequently no kids , add on ( if he really doesn't have a place to stay ) And if that's not the case , then i highly assume our neighbors order him to look out for their house all day long ? 
But that's just plain stupid , selfish and heartless ! 
You know the account in twitter " faith in humanity " ? 
Faith in humanity my ! 
I don't even know how i managed to suppress the sudden urge to shed tears .
Nowadays , i don't think a day could pass without me shedding a tear or two recalling certain memories .
This wrong , i know , however , i don't know how to stop doing it .
I easily find myself getting drowned in the memory lane , recalling good moments that are of no relevance now .
Although the people i've shared those memories with are still in my life , our (chemistry ?) is not the same anymore .
As a result , when i made my way in , i didn't feel like eating anymore ( Trust me , the day i have college , i transform into a hungry Tiger ! maybe even monster ~ ) .
Ps : I'm a person that  thinks of food as sacred ~ .
But i'm not over-weight xD thankfully ~ 
After some hours , my stomach growled pleading to be fed , however , I wasn't actually hungry , you what i mean ? 
I didn't feel like eating At ALL ! 
I didn't crave anything , not even my common favorite food .
That has never happened to me before .
Hopefully , I would crave my instant noodles later ~ 
Sighs * 
Any ways ! 
Have you guys heard 4minute cold rain ? 
It's so cool ~ ever since i heard it , it has been on repeat ~ 
When i asked one of my friends , she said she liked it too and would like to hear it on rainy days ~
 we Then  started talking about the rain , and how it comforts it when  feeling down .
Then she took me off guard .
She asked " Is something bothering you , since you have been listening to it nonstop ? "
I had my lips parted at her clever conclusion .
You may think it's not but it is .. in a way .
Relatively , since i didn't notice it myself .
That day , i wasn't in a bad mood or anything .
However , it seems there's more to it .
It seems , ( maybe ) i have been convincing myself of it ( That i'm not in a bad mood ) , whilst deep inside my real mood did a pretty damn job hiding itself , from me !! 
Strong feelings linger , they don't wash away in a day and night , that's what i realized .
This leads us to a new topic .
Mood swings !
Let us discuss :  it's speed , it's intensity and it's length .
For me , my mood swings are fast thereby short-lived ( usually of course , we never generalize ! ) 
And pretty much intense ~  .
you ?? 


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Rinininette #1
Ok my phone wasn't listening to me and kept closing your blog T_T Hope I will send this comment correctly!
Effectively you were super random hahaha
I read your links even if I'm not an author xD I know I can use it later in my English work so :P it helps in addition to reading books or fics
If you reach this stage of being more careless, I'm glad for you..? I mean, you will be less hurt and... It's a good thing? XD and yes I understand the other sad fact
Hm... This is pretty sad... For everyone in a similar case :/ Does the gate keeper have something in return for his service? :/

And finally, mood swings. I can't have any opinion on it because I don't recall having mood swings ^^' but I know yours are no joke x) *now let's dance to Teen Top Rocking! :D Ok I'm out saying xD*
In my opinion mood swings happen when someone's not happy, satisfied or content. To me there's just no other explanation other than this...
Totomatoes #3
My mood swings are terribly bad but I don't think it's bad?

The story about the gatekeeper... it's really sad. Maybe you should try talking to him? A small act can do wonders really.

Like today I was really feeling lonely and sad and I was sulking at a swing and this kid just randomly gives me a pink envelope and runs away. It asks if we could be friends and it made my whole day.

So maybe talking to hin would be the same. Maybe offer him a cup of coffee or leave a small treat with a note? It could make a big difference.

About the writing articles... I didn't read them as I know I have no talent in writing. My only advice is write comfortably and go with yiur own style.

Fighting noona!!
Kyattchan #4
Hmm.. well I don't really know what to say about your mood swings. To me mood swings (or in a more personal case to me: anxiety) are things you just live with. You can try to help yourself to control these aspects if you try hard..
But if they are something you dislike about yourself, you just have two options: 1) Accept it and live with it. 2) Try to change it.
It's all about control and will really.

About the way you felt about the gate-keeper. The way I see it.. that's life. There's a lot of unfortunate people out there. That man isn't the first or the last you'll see that doesn't have a family or a home.
Usually I hate seeing things like that. But I don't get emotional, I just feel indifferent because feeling bad or sad about that person won't do anything. If you can help them, that's what you should do. Feeling bad for them won't give them a home or a family. (Sorry if this sounds harsh)

I don't really read a lot articles about writing anymore.. but I actually clicked the first about 5 words to avoid... There's only one thing I agree in that whole article and it's the use of active vs passive voice. The rest? It's a fact that you can delete or replace words, I do that sometimes when writing essays too.. but never forget that you should have your own writing style. IF you feel comfortable using a certain word or expression, then use it. Writing should be improved as you feel comfortable.
I also need to say that the best way for you to learn how to write is not by reading things like this. Yes, they are good, but they are pointers. Always remember this: they are just pointers. The best way for you to improve is by READING. Good books with good writing. Pick a theme you like and try to look for a book about it (try goodreads for example). It will help you a lot more and be fun instead of just reading about what you shouldn't or should do. (This is just my personal opinion ofc lol)