
My younger sister and I were eating lunch earlier when she asked me:

 "*Ate, how old will you be when I graduate high school?"

I was taken aback at first but, gave her an answer.

 "22? I think.."

She said,

 "It would be awesome if you went to my graduation ceremony, and my classmates would be like: "Hey! Is that your Ate? Woah. She's a famous (Insert future profession here)" yes, she did say that. Including the sentence in the parenthesis

I was, of course, flattered but did not let it show.

Then she added, "My classmates would probably also say; "Wait, your Ate is (EXO/SHINEE/Winner member's name insert here) girlfriend right?"


I totally cracked up in that part and she continued, "Or you would probably their fiance right?"

I had no idea how to respond but she just smiled dreamily and said "I know it will happen"

I don't usually cry but I wanted to force my tears out just because I was so touched.  


I'm turning 17 next month and I'll be in my 3rd year of college this school year, while she'll be in 9th grade this year. (Our education system was changed just recently. this)

I did not know that she had this much confidence in me and she looked up at me that much. HAHAHAHA! Just wanted to share it because I thought it was cute.


*Ate= "older sister" in Filipino


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I just noticed. Her question was "..graduate Highschool?" not "college" oops!
tapos ako uulit ng 1st year HAHAHA. Shame on me... I shall give you something pala sa birthday mo :3