
I'm going back on antidepressants which means I'm gonna either be getting somewhat better or I'm gonna be terribly suicidal. 

its been over a year since I went off my last meds, which I did on my own, my doctor didn't know I was off them. (BTW don't do that. Its really dangerous and believe me, withdrawal is not something you wanna go through). 


On a more positive note, I'm eating! Around 2 small meals in the evening. Which is really more than usual. So that's good! 


But I got my seroquel refilled (thank god) so maybe I can function as a normal human being again. 


Also sorry for dumping this here. I'd post it on tumblr but my sister and her friends and a coworker of mine all follow me, so I'd rather them not see this... 


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Good luck! Things should hopefully get better.
Fighting! You can do this! I hope you'll get better~ ^v^