The story of me and my sister

So me, my sister and my mom went to the mall today. When the drama happened we were at the section where they sell shoes. My mom and my sister were looking for heels because recently they just bought prom dresses so they were looking for heels that would match those. Me, who didn't get any new dresses just stood there looking at them trying on those heels and just giving my opinions at times. 

Then, out of the blue, I spoke up while my sister was trying on one of the nice pair of heels, I said "can i wear those heels too?" 
And my sister went like "yes of course, but you know. These heels are kinda like not your STYLE." 
She was joking, but i took it seriously. Because heck, this wasn't the first time she said such thing and i hate it so dam-n much everytime she "compared us" about how difference we are. How shes so pretty and im always the dull one. How she has lots of friends and i only have a few. Hows shes out going and im like antisocial. Hows im like a nerd but shes not but shes happy and she doesnt care. How she wears dresses and I wear plain t shirt and short. How shes more girly and im like a tomboy, when  im too a girl. Since when wearing a plain t shirt and a short = a tomboy?????? = not girly???? Wtf 
And i got so annoyed. Who knows maybe when i was young i started on the wrong note and okay yes, my fashion sense is not as good as her, okay i admit. But can't i CHANGE for the better? I don't get it why must she keep COMPARING our STYLE !!!!! And kept saying it out! 
People can change ... Why doesn't everyone understand that ... 
And so i got angry at my sister and i talked back "Can u stop comparing our style, what do u mean by that, huh? Why wh—" i was raging so bad and my mom stopped me, she got angry now at ME and said "why must you always be so serious at everything? She's just joking!" 
And now it's my fault for being SERIOUS AT EVERYTHING -.- 
and i black face the whole way back home. 
What do you think about the story.....? I don't know, maybe from  a third's person view i just wanna here and also wanna rant to someone ._. 
Thanks for reading! 


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