SHINEE AND THEIR REACTION TOWARD FANS (Credits To: kpopsecrets on tumblr)



i saw a fancam of SHINee coming out of an airport on tumblr. and a fan was standing next to jonghyun. then this manager or someone hit the girl in the head and she fell down..

i watched it over and over again but i didnt even see jonghyun who was right in front of her have a reaction.. onew(who was standing behind jonghyun) didnt even have a reaction…the only member that seemed to have a reaction was Taemin because he tried to see what happened.. and other fans around them just got scared.

other than taemin they all had a blank and serious face..

s!b: my tumblr is filled with SHINee and i’m a shawol.. but this just made me disappointed….


Side Note: omg, I didn't think SHINee would be like this. ): I would go to her immediately and help her. Their manager is crazy. |: Unless she was going to stab them, hitting a girl they have no right what-so-ever to do.


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actually , it wasn't like that :D read this blog to understand
kpopXbabezZ #2
not really just taemin also minho went to see what happened!
Omigosh, I wud slap the manager hard if he does that to me!! thats practically Wchild abuse since he is quite older than her!! :O
Seen this millions of times, still seems so wrong

SHe might be lying.. hm.. Idk. Lots of secrets on kps are lies. :U
But wow. D: