I need someone...

I don't think I have ever been really stressed before in my life so this newfound stress due to school and life in general is really taking a toll on me.

For some reason some people just irritate me so much (I know it's not just me) but it's hard to let go of the anger and I don't want to hold onto it for a whole day and let it affect my mood.

I just want some people to talk to that I can just open up to or just have someone to chat with.

I am also up for being there for people to open up to. Helping people and being there for them really comforts me.

I need some kind of distraction from all this ridiculous stress.


If you guys are wondering what I have to deal with daily I will show you through interesting gifs!

In first hour I have this guy who thinks he is always right and has to comment on everything.

I'm just like:

It is seven in the morning and I am in the most stressful class... You are unnecessary...

(BTW I can be quite mean so don't think it's just my personality, it's just the irritation talking)



In second hour we talk about controversal topics and some people just feel the need to put in their condescending and ignorant input.

(Me in the back of class)


I cannot walk out of my math class without a migrane because we have the annoying girl who is a little too open about her ual life, her friend who has no cursing filter, the girls in front of the class who are the epitome of queenka drama queens, and the football guys who I'm pretty sure have ten brain cells left. If I don't have my headphones during work time I lose my sanity.


Fourth hour is actually really good, my study hall is great.

Then we get to Spanish... It's like being in an elementary school.

Is Jo Kwon any one elses spirit animal? Cuz he is so mine xD

Then in my tutoring hour I am babysitting an elementary level freshmen... In a business class which is an advanced class...


As much as I want to...

I know that I have to be calm.

Luckily I have my best friend there for calm support.

If you guys really didn't care about all of this...

Oh well xD


Anywayyy, how was your day!? (Comment below and let's get this friendship started!)






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OMG I know exactly what you feel. Like yesterday this one kid spent 10 minutes pissing our teacher off and wouldnt get his stuff out and we were all sitting their like :o and there's this really competitive residential school where I live and I'm trying so hard to get WAITLISTED for it(it's such a long story) but people like that are the reason why I need to get into that other school....I'm sure you understood like 0.00001% of what I said
Oh I know exactly how you feel a lot of my classes stress me out and then I hate like half the people in my classes as well. Especially my 6th period where these guys ALWAYS constantly call my name and try to get my attention and then like make fun of my lisp and my name and just people Stop...ugh
But like yeah my day has been good. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. *hugs*
hey! let's talk and be friends ^^
i have a great day. today is my best friend birthday, i'm happy :) but the bad thing is i need to clean my room.. it's totally mess here!! and i have to do the laundry, mop the room, etc... but i'm lazy to do it all hehehe..
aww yea there are just a lot of stupid people in the world .... Sometimes you just gotta be dgaf about those people. Just know that they have their own lives and it's not like they bother you outside of that class (or do they?? I'm really sorry if they doT___T). Even though you'll have to maintain peace throughout the whole year, I mean I guess this can be an excuse for looking forward to next year(?)(?)(?)

But still, hwaiting... I know you can do it :)

Anyway, I'm on spring break so my day started at waking up at 2 PM (~listen to my heart beat~) and then I took a shower and I'm going to eat some ramen and then go to church and then I have to clean my room (probably going to take eternity) and then probably stay up until 5AM watching korean dramas and Netflix :) haha (ok lowkey, I recently have been only watching Netflix and I'm not at all caught up on korean dramas.... If you do watch any, would you recommend some shows to me? OH! And for Netflix too :)))

Haha I know you only asked about how our day was SO FAR but YA know it's spring break I haven't been really social since I'm not at school plus I really love to blabble ANYWAY!! Good luck with your annoying people problems!!! I wish the best for you. Just think about your bias(es) 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。

Have a wonderful day!!!!!!
so I'm super stressed out too >.> I'm up to my neck with artwork due in this Monday... I've been at this essay for the past four months, I need 4000 words and I've only come up with 2000 since my essay topic got approved last December and now I have to finish 2000 words in two days, along with ten sheets of artwork and a ing sketchbook and everything has to be done over the weekend AND IT'S SO STRESSFUL CAUSE A-LEVEL ART IS LIKE AP ART OK AND IT AIN'T A ING JOKE LIKE ARGH SO. MUCH. WORK.
#pleasedontunfriendme #ineedsomeonejustasmuchasyoudo #ineedhelp