Panic Attaks TT

So yeah. Just like the title says, I've been getting panic attacks recently.

I had one last week while I was at a family reunion. I know what made me have an attack that time. I hate being around people I don't know and I'm chlaustrophobic and I didn't know anyone there and yeah... Me going mute and panic and unknown people... bad combo.

I had one earlier today when I went to a revision session at school (during Easter, yes i know, i'm crazy). I'm not really sure what me have the panic attack. Maybe it was the fact I am surrounded by so many people and it was quite hot in the classroom, but yeah... not exactly sure.

I'm just tired and upset with myself now TT


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Get well! Maybe just when you feel nervous just close your eyes and block out sound and try to just focus. Focus on your breathing helps calm you down. Try it out! ^^
Awww rest well, try breathing slowly or focus on yourself breathing in and out. That always helps me and you should probably avoid tight areas with lots of people.