No calm bruh


So it's past 1 am here in the Philippines and I'm still up because my cousin won a beauty pageant last year and this is the time for her to hand over the crown. And I was asked to make her a speech and bla bla.


But here I am, spazzing over Choi Seong Jo. I first saw him as a "Dark Horse" in Dream Team and I swear he's hot.

I just saw that he went here in the Philippines but it's waaaaaaaaaaaay far from us and here I am sulking.


He looks so hot. Way hotter than the chillies he just ate. LOL JOKE.



ANYWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, HAPPY 3RD ANNIVERSARY TO THE HOTTEST MALE SPECIES ON EARTH, EXO. We'll meet someday babies. I believe in 4 or 5 years time, we'll meet!


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