Maths and K-pop can live together...

I'm studying equations maths  and each time I see the function f(x)= .... I always think about the girls band and not about that stupid function!

Sulli, Victoria, Luna, Amber, Krystal.... you're disturbing me in Maths! ^^ But I think each girl/ boy who knows about f(x) can't avoid to think about them when they see this function in maths, no? ^^ By the way I wonder why they chose this name....seriously, that's weird....





Useless blogpost but I just wanted to express my feelings...*silly speech I know*


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The x refers to the female gender (coz their DNA or whatever) and f I think is flower.
^^ I love reading your random blog posts !!!!!
To answer your question, I found a little explanation on Nautiljon kekeke
"Le "f" signifie "Flower", tandis que le "x" fait référence au chromosome XX féminin. Le tout, f (x), signifie que, comme en mathématiques, si l'on change la variable, les filles seront capables de montrer de nombreuses facettes d'elles-mêmes et de se renouveler."