And the generalization's happening AGAIN. Prepare, EXO-L









exo’s fandom is so disrespectful

And they get so damn pissy when people say they don’t like the fandom but pull like this.

like i honestly feel bad for the members of exo sometimes because their fandom is so childish and sad
it’s honestly revolting

Like coming at Shinee like that is beyond petty. Don’t gotta like Shinee but you gotta respect them as your “oppa’s senior”.


or at least acknowledge that shinee largely paved the way for exo

but if not even that at least give shawols the chance to go see a group that actually songs live
like don’t be ing rude
not everyone enjoys lip syncing

This is Exo first comeback after everything went down and not even a week in y’all are being petty af. 
At least acknowledge Kai’s best friend Taemin is effected by this.

not all of us are doing this though. Don’t say /we’re/ all petty because i’m an exo-l and i ain’t doing this.

like do you even know which community you are addressing this to though?

i think you all should address this to the weibo and egg accounts that needs to be addressed who are actually reselling those tickets cuz i think those accounts need to be repriminded and probably reported for bulk buying

like yeah there are bad seed in the exo fandom, but does the majority of the exo fandom tumblr community even have any idea that this was happening? i dnt think so, and for an exo-l to come online and see posts like this?

tbh your just trying to create more miscommunication in kpop fandom community

how about before you all point fingers of whose doing who, we should see legit proof that it was really an exo-l that did the bulk buying

yall just like to burn fandoms to the stake without even proof

whose disrespectful now?

Generalization of an entire fandom for the actions for a few. Also highly disrespectful.





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PipTheTerror #1
... so Exo-L's huddled together and conspired to buy EVERY ticket? :S THEY GOT THEM SKILLZ LIKE DAT?

Bruh... I prefer not to take anyone who willingly begins a sentence with "like" too seriously xD haha

don't sweat this, it's just people getting overheated. These things happen and some people often need a scapegoat. EXO-L's are easy to pin stuff on :/ There's so damn many xD
that EXO's being associated with screwing Shawols over, and even more that Shinee may not get to perform in front of as many of their fans as possible. But it REALLY that SM only gave them two concert dates in a small venue to begin with -_-
But now you're generalizing us too. We have to right to be upset with what is going on but a lot of us are keeping mind that its not EXO and not the entire fandom. The bad seeds of both fandoms are the ones duking it out but its not fair to us that you claim that we're generalizing you when many of us arent. Our anger is directed to the people doing this and only the bad seeds are attacking the whole fandom.
They say that to every fandom. That's why I also wanna kill those who call themselves SONEs but do stuff that give real SONEs and SNSD a bad name.