Exodus Review

Hi Guys,

Quick review of Exodus....THE ALBUM IS AMAZING!

I'm definitely going to buy this album later this week or early next week, as soon as I see an offer online I like.

And I've been seeing a lot of dislike about Call Me Baby, I just have to say this....at least this isn't another Wolf. Because it took SOOO long for me to even begin liking Wolf. I listened to Call Me Baby about three times and I said 'this is decent'.

My top 5: El Dorado, Lady Luck, Exodus, Hurt & Transformer

I said this in an earlier blog but I have to say it again....Lady Luck sent me into a very dirty state of mind. I was not expecting this kind of song from EXO, My Lady was sensual, but Lady Luck....it's seductive, inviting, spicy, hot, steamy....you get the idea =)

Chanyeol's deep voice, DO's vocals, the & the suggestive noises....YES!!

I’m reacting like that because Kpop is a genre where you can the iest sounding songs, then you look up the lyrics and it turns out to be the saddest song you’ll ever hear (Shinee’s Symptons & Exo’s Moonlight). But while I was listening I could tell the lyrics somewhat match, I can understand Korean 50%, which is sad because I am mostly Korean...plus three other ethnicities.

El Dorado….been waiting for this since 2012, FINALLY! That was the song I’ve been waiting for, and it did not disappoint me. I remember being so worried they’d change it up and I wouldn’t like it, but I LOVE IT. Beautiful was good too, but it’s not something I will replay. Exodus & Hurt, watched the fancams, loved both immediately. Transformer surprised me, I usually don’t like hip-hop that much, but this song popped.

This album has everything basically, ballads, r&b, hip-hop, pop. There’s something for everyone to like. I think the producers of this album went all out for this album. Every song is good in its own way. This is their best album to date. Even though they could’ve done better picking the single.

Plus, SM knows they ed up last year, so they’re going to give EXO the best songs in the vault. They’re going to spend lots of time on them, they are a goldmine. I just hope they don’t up again in the future *knock on wood*

So yeah, that’s my review. I give the album a 8.5/10. But some songs obviously didn’t make it onto the album like Promise & Full Moon. I want Full Moon! =/

What do you guys think?

Mishab =)


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