Exodus Listening Post


Even though my computer is running slow I’m going to try and listen to the M version for the first time. Wish me luck!

CMB: Still irritated by the repeated ‘Call me Baby’ bits. It’s growing on me though. I need the MV.

Transformer: wow, how much Tao? Oh, hi Chen. This is pretty good, I like the beat. Ooh that high bit, yes

What if...: I like the music, whatever those long notey bits are. I’m good at describing music. Omg is that Xiumin? He sounds good!

My Answer: 5 seconds in and this is pretty already. Stripped down piano ballad? I’m all for that. Chen’s voice is deeper in English right?

Exodus: this is awesome and I’m only 3 seconds in. Some funky playing right now. DAMN this album has really picked the up. I love it! (sorry it’s making me sweary)

El Dorado: This is pretty good? Can’t wait for the lyrics translation. I’m still reeling from the last 2 so I’ll have to listen to this over. Wow, high notes! I can totally see myself falling for this one.

Playboy: Omg I’ve been waiting for this one. I don’t know if I can handle it. 2 seconds in - Oh Gooood! I need the lyrics for this. GDI Kim Jonghyun.

Hurt: Ooh I like this. The title made me think of a ballad tbh. The chorus isn’t as strong as I want it to be but a few listens and it could be a grower.

Lady Luck: Oh the guitar <3 Is that a girl ? Are you kidding me? GDI.

Beautiful: This is chill but not as ballady as I thought. It’s a nice way to end after all that though. It’s like the morning after, lol.

Favourites: My Answer, Exodus, Playboy.

My first reaction doesn’t always stick though (except Exodus is definitely my jam).

Tell me your opinions or favourites or rant about mine! This is so exciting!


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