❝ 최성윤 : is tuning into the night show!




   the night show! 

sugareomma / ria / negative zero
turn in : story


SEPTEMBER 14th (20)
❝ NICKNAMES » starfox ; more used as an alias rather than a nickname, this is what sungyoon is referred to amongst the SNU community. originated from an anonmyous letter sent into The Night Show, the nickname was used to define her prankster character as 'he/she is quick witted and subtle in their movements when placing traps around campus, simiar to a fox, and of course this fox isn't like any other fox, this is a starfox'. she thinks the nickname is cute and has occasionally used it as an username for LoL and other online games. ironically she's never heard of the game 'starfox'.
❝ GRADE » sophomore
❝ BIRTHPLACE » bucheon, south korea
❝ HOMETOWN » refer to above.
❝ ETHNICITY » south korean with a north korean mindset to rule
❝ LANGUAGES » korean (fluent), english (slang and several random words)

❝ ULZZANG » stephanie lee
❝ BACKUP »   seon hwang

❝ APPEARANCE » at first glance, choi sungyoon appears to be one of those girls that naturally charms you with her sultry looks and model-esque bodies, but with a second glance you can't help but cringe. despite having fox like features of her eyes and smile, raven black hair that is not too short nor long, and legs of a gazelle that make you feel intimidated, there is nothing appearance-wise that is otherwise deemed special. being almost 170 cm  and lanky everywhere else gives her little room to look like a pretty princess or a cool street chick; instead she kinda looks like an awkward boy with her jeans showing her ankles too much or her shirts that are too long because of her equally long torso and is forbidden to wear heels by almost everyone because she'd hit almost 178 cm if she ever did. for the love of all things ulzzang like, she cannot maintain a natural smile due to her habit of looking michevious, regardless if she was planning to or did commit a prank, and even if she did her smile would give you chills all the way down to your toes.



writing supplement

write about how you heard about seoul university and why you chose to apply.


❝ PERSONALITY TRAITS » cunning, diligent, innovative, impish ; attention seeking, over dramatic, proud, trenchant

at a quick glance, choi sungyoon appears to be your typical girl; pretty, studious, and geuninely nice to be around, but with a couple seconds of getting to know her, she's more than what one bargins for. sungyoon likes to describe herself as a modern day clown: someone that likes to entertain others in any way possible, but usually with devious acts that can be either playful or cruel to others. her tongue is as sharp as a freshly sharpened knife and is as bold as the font comic sans is on a nicely written 12 page essay on 20th century economics and her humor is as fresh as comedians from gag concert or American SNL (circa late 1990s early 2000s). its not strange to see her her go to extreme lengths to make others laugh, whether it is to do body gags or purposely tell terrible puns, she simply takes the attention and thrives in it. sometimes she's not aware where the fine line is between gracefully accepting the lime light and being obnoxious is but, if anything, she will be the first to deny that she is hogging the spot light and happily try to divert any ill thoughts about her onto something else. 

of course, behind her typical class clown facade lies the character that she plays that is cutely dubbed as the SNU starfox: the elusive perpetrator, who for the past 2 years at SNU, has only caused controversy amongst the student body for committing such pranks as the the classic series of saran wrapped doors, the attack of post-its in the west atrium, the bi-annual toliet clog bowl, and the infamous class dismissal as the SNU network shut down for a good 3 hours, preventing students from taking their midterms for the first time in SNU history. at first the guise was only used to prank one of her professors whom rejected her from submitting an assignment 3 minutes late, but with the success and reaction from the student body after the professor found himself in a flurry of glitter bombs left and right, thats when the addiction of pranks began. while she's well aware of the consequences that she faces if she were ever to be caught, she's still so cocky enough to continue to pull bigger and bolder pranks until that moment arrives. she's had to become better at covering her tracks and slipping under the noses of administration but sometimes she's tempted to reveal herself for the sake of the thrill, but after a second she'll reconsider and laugh it off, only to continue to organize more ways of chaos around campus.

but beyond all the fun and games of making others laugh and pranking the campus, there's the unfavorable side of sungyoon that isn't really a secret to everyone. this can only be really described as her being "too much" to others. simply put, sungyoon literally has no limits in her behavior whether she's in character or not. people say she's too bold, too dramatic, too obnoxious, and surprisingly, sungyoon agrees. she's well aware that others view her as an exaggerated character and some people don't like her for it, but what is she to do about it? sure, she could change for the benefit of others, but she's too prideful to do so. honestly she has tried in the past to change and with every attempt it would just fail, she would just fall back into bad habits and there would be no improvment, thus she just shrugs off the criticism and continues to be herself. once in awhile she will censor her crass mouth and 'hajima' at herself when the situation is too tense for anyone to breathe, but her flaws are often embraced by herself and she intends to let it stay that way until she has a legitimate reason for a personal metamorphesis to occur. 

whether sungyoon likes to admit it or not, her origins aren't as awesome as she appears to come from: she wasn't born from the gods and blessed with magical powers or even cooly built together by mad scientists; truth is, she was born from two kids that didn't understand the concept of birth control and were too stubborn to fall prey to the pressures of abortion or adoption. while her parents were young, little sungyoon grew up in a struggling household in a small neighborhood in bucheon, and remained to live there for the entirety of her life up until college. she never had any other siblings to have to deal with and share the spotlight with due to her mother leaving her father fairly early into her educational life, around the time she started primary school, and poor choi hwiseong was stuck with a curious creature that had no one else to learn from except for him. together, the father-daughter duo grew up and learned the ropes of surviving the real world by any means necessary, leading mr. choi to starting his claim to fame as an infamous salesperson and sungyoon to her talents in trickery.

for sungyoon, school never really came easy unless it came in the form of many hours at hagwon or hagling for answers in exchange for cruel joke on someone else, thus it came to be a surprise when the girl was accepted to Seoul National University-- a bigger one when she was enrolled into the engineering department. til this day she defends herself that no, she did not bribe anyone to get into the school nor had her father get involved, but she does pride herself in her above average score on her CSAT thus enabling her to be accepted into the school of her choice. regardless of any method of ways of getting in, her father was more than proud (cried on the day she got the acceptance letter in her arms, no biggie) and happily moved the two of them into a small apartment in seoul. being in a city such as seoul did make her feel a bit intimidated but it was a challege that she happily accepted. however, the only thing that stands in her way from conquering the hurdle of finishing university with her degree in mechanical engineering while pulling pranks on each square inch of the SNU campus and occasionally on innocent civialians that pass her at the convenience store would be the higher powers of the SNU administration and the student council, with the spearhead of the campaign being none other than a junior named kim jongdae.

( father ) choi hwiseong / '40-ish' / salesman / astute, charming, embarrassing / " bonafide pimp daddy imnida " okay, whether or not you believe them, choi hwiseong and choi sungyoon are indeed related. granted, it was the fact that she looks more of her mother than her father, but once you get to know the pair it becomes very obviousl that they're father and daughter. if sungyoon is known as the infamous elusive prankster on the SNU campus, hwiseong is the og joker in all of south korea. with his youthful image and sharp tongue, the man has successfully conned earned his way to the top with all of the sales he's made, and has only made a legend of his talents in the world of marketing. the two are fairly close, still living with each other though sungyoon has started university, but its not like either really mind it. hwiseong approves of the girl's stunts on campus-- only letting his father image step in when he believes a prank has gone too far for it to be all fun and games-- but otherwise spends the majority of his time with her trying to embarass his daughter with his fatherly love and aegyo, especially when they're in public.

( best friend ) lee hyeri / 21 / comical, gluttinous, vain, loyal  / " my ride or die that can't stop eating jfc hyeri!!! "
in terms of their friendship, if sungyoon was clyde, hyeri would be bonnie. as her right hand man in all of her pranks at SNU she's responsible for being the main distraction and protection so sungyoon can successfully pull off any and all of her successfuly stunts at the university. though sungyoon is grateful to have such a person to rely on when the going gets tough she sometimes can't help but shake her head and wonder why of all people lee hyeri was chosen to be that type of person. at times she can be the best comic relief when sungyoon is frustrated at the world, with the administrators (and jongdae) breathing down her back trying to pin the stunts on her, but other times sungyoon just wants to rip the girl's hair when the other is too busy looking at herself in the mirror or stuffing her fact full of fried chicken. either way,  at the end of the day sungyoon is aware that hyeri will always be there and have her back whether she likes it or not (75% of the time she does but when she doesn't its because sungyoon has ed her from a cute guy she say halfway across campus).


( rival ) zhang liyin / 22 / serine, responsible, level headed, waaaay too perfect / " jongdae's senior girlfriend. yuck. "
okay, so there's really nothing wrong with zhang liyin, she's literally that daughter of the mother that your mother knows of that is often compared to everyone including yourself, but you seriously can't be too angry with her. though the fact that jongdae has chosen her as his girlfriend, the latter doesn't really act how most girls would expect to be; instead she's calm and collected and doesn't indulge in as much PDA as jongdae himself does, but it's not like she doesn't mind it either. rather than investing a lot of effort in the relationship, she's often found struggling with her huge cello up the stairs of the music department to go practice or is hiding inbetween bookshelves writing her senior thesis, as jongdae is really there for moral support. its obvious that the two appear to be perfect for each other-- much to sungyoon's dismay, but in her opinion she's harboring ill feelings towards the senior as it really looks like the one that is carrying out this relationship is jongdae alone, which makes her pity the guy but also frustrated as ffffffck.
⋮ sungyoon works at a family mart for chump change to be honest. she didn't want to settle for a cafe job bc ~too hipster~
⋮ her favorite color is pink, hence why most pranks that involve color are usually pink. but she wears a lot of b&w clothes...
⋮ for a while she thought her father was gay bc of his flamboyancy & lack of mother figures, but honestly her dad is aual
⋮ if you want to find her when she isn't being starfox or at work, look for her in the cafeteria bc 9/10 its for hyeri's sake.


letter of recommendations

two or more letters of recommendations from people that are close to you or a mentor


❝ NICKNAMES » vice grip ; a play on words by sungyoon, because just calling him 'tool' wasn't specific enough.

breaking it down for those that don't understand: kim jongdae is vice president, who holds his position so high and tight it's similiar (if not exactly like) the vise grip: a handy tool that uses plenty of force to keep things together or pull items apart.

sungyoon uses this as an agent to taunt jongdae especially while she commits her 'harmless' crimes as starfox and as expected he doesn't take it lightly (instead he smiles while gritting his teeth, huffing out an exhausted breath when out of the public eye).

❝ PERSONALITY » he's your perfect type B, with a dash of undiagnosed OCD about the student council at SNU. as most people would label him as mr. popular, as he is one to happily be the mood maker and adjust to other people rather than vice versa, he's a well known figure amongst the student body. he's very passionate on keeping social order as he likes to maintain his social standing, thus doing whatever it takes to make others happy (even if it means having to cringe while listening to The Night Show all alone in his dorm room). but of course, upon his extroverted nature, he's also clever and intelligent-- being the number one leader in trying to unmask the criminal named starfox. he has a couple suspects, one of them being choi sungyoon, but like any amateur sherlock homles knows he needs sufficient evidence to prove any case right, thus he remains careful with his opinions and proceeds to act with a facade until the perpatrator is proven guilty.

❝ RELATIONSHIP » there's an obvious tension between the two of them, both of them being figures that thrive in the spotlight, but there's an inital discord that is harbored until they get to know each other. if it isn't insults being thrown between each other, its dirty looks.

its jongdae who is really the one that changes first as his views on sungyoon change as he finds her less obnoxious and vain as others make her out to be. she's the one thats really misunderstood between the two of them as he learns that she isn't doing these things because she's insecure like he thought but honestly just loving the attention she gets from causing trouble.

on the other hand, sungyoon warms up to jongdae when he accepts her for who she is but doesn't realize it until its too late and he's taken. she's so blind to their relationship development as he doesn't have a significant change in behavior with her seeing him being like himself, like how he is to everone, thus why she doesn't see the significance of his evolution from big jerk to a lesser jerk. with him in a relationship she finds herself lost from his vision and only prompts her to revert to the way she was just for him to look at her once more.

❝ HOW'D THEY MEET? » 'kim jongdae for vice president, what a joke.' sungyoon snorted to herself as she saw the nth poster of him plastered on another pilar on the way to her next class.

truthfully speaking, the first time they met was a one sided encounter as the freshman sungyoon watched as kim jongdae tried to campaign his way to the top of the student body through elections. she was well aware that he was obviously the best canidate, the guy had one of the best gpas for his major and he was thoroughly known in most social circles, but seeing how hard he was trying when he didn't have to at all made sungyoon often laugh and gag whenever she encountered his face on campus.

but realistically speaking their first meeting was a little less than a year later as starfox's first prank upon the vp had occurred as jongdae walked onto the parking lot of the campus dorms and saw his precious hyundai spray painted a nice hue of pearl pink. in the crowd sungyoon innocently witness the man panic, as it was her guise to keep herself hidden, but with one look from the older male there was an odd connection from the locking of eyes that either read "you're dead" or "what the f are you looking at for".




please fill these questions truthfully and to the best of your ability


❝ WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR? » mechanical engineering with a minor in computer science.
❝ REGARDING THE NIGHT SHOW, WHAT CONNECTS YOU TO IT? » at first sungyoon only listened to the night show because other people had raved about it. personally, she doesn't find the show too special, occasionally only indulging into it when they begin the segment with the annoynmous confessions because she'll be featured in it once in awhile. when she and jongdae begin to become close she becomes more acquainted to listening for the fact that he listens to hear the student's voices about the student council, though she feels guilty when he begins to complain about the elusive prankster on campus.
❝ WHO ARE YOU THE CLOSEST WITH? » rhythm of love ; being that they're both sophomores, sungyoon has become acquainted to the girl because they've had several classes together. while she's aware that the other's goal is to get out of university as soon as she can, she still tries to socialize with the other for reasons that she can only explain as "being a asset and giving the girl a good time so as to keep her from killing herself from overworking too much towards death". the other is somewhat grateful for her efforts and does obliege with occasional hangouts, but she still remains level headed and with the eyes on the prize, while sungyoon doesn't mind too much-- just happy to see the other thriving in and outside.
❝ WHO ARE YOU THE LEAST CLOSEST WITH? » flaws ; she's well aware of the mother's presence around campus, she's kinda taboo and a sad story to hear about if you have the time to listen, so sungyoon typically steers away from the girl. she tries to share empathy with the girl but usually it ends up turning into sympathy which becomes very awkward, very quickly. of all the people on campus, ms. flaws is the one of the last people she'd like to mess with in terms of pranks.
❝ ANY EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITES? » does causing chaos around campus count? otherwise she holds a small part time job at a local convenience store as a clerk.

❝ COMMENTS? QUESTIONS? CONCERNS? » this is such a shtty application, i'm sorry. cries.




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