[NEWS]EXO and A Pink Reversing K-Pop’s Declining Popularity in Japan

EXO and A Pink Reversing K-Pop’s Declining Popularity in Japan

EXO and A Pink have been named as two groups that are leading a new K-pop boom in Japan.

Media outlet Oricon Style has reported that EXO and A Pink are bringing new life to K-pop’s otherwise stagnating popularity in Japan.

According to the report, while appearances of K-pop stars on television used to be a daily occurrence, the K-pop boom has largely subsided in Japan. However, the article states that EXO and A Pink are leading a reversal of this trend. “EXO is getting so popular in Japan that finding tickets for their concerts is becoming difficult,” it states. “Many fans were there for their first solo concert last April as well as their fall tour in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Many in Japan are eagerly awaiting the group’s Japanese debut and future activities.”

Regarding A Pink, the article stated, “In spite of the recent tendency toward ier images for girl groups, A Pink is gaining popularity by setting itself apart with a purer image. The group was inundated with over 50,000 fans wanting to attend their showcase preceding their Japanese debut. Recently, they have also been the focus of many magazine and TV reports, and will also be taking the stage at the Tokyo Girls Collection.”

In addition, the report also mentioned TVXQ and BIGBANG, saying that sales of their DVDs had climbed to 8th and 10th place, respectively. It also claimed that “tickets for the two groups’ concerts were just has hard to find as ever,” and that “concerts where fans can get closer to K-pop stars are being planned.”


Article by: Soompi

As expected....Exo and Apink ;)


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#EXOPink yehet lmao xD