I'm so tired

Im honestly so tired right now. And i  dont just mean like in a literal sense but more in a general sense. Ive been stressing out over finals and its not cool and we only get one week of spring break and that week i have jury duty so im not even going to have a break. So its finals, jury duty, then jump right into spring quarter and im honestly so scared because as much as im loving  college i just can't  help but to think that im just wasting my time.

 And although  my schedule isnt going to be as killer next quarter its still going to be hard because im going from 5 lower and upper devision classes to what is mainly just upper devion classes.  and one of my classes is 4 hours long and i just feel like im not gonna make it even if it is photography , which i love but after so many hours I'll probably come out if it hating it 


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