Baekhyun's teaser

Hey there!

I usually don't post about EXO's teasers but....... The reason why I am blogging about THIS particular teaser is because of the place in which it is set.

I don't know if you know it but SM recorded almost half of those teasers in Catalonia like 2 months ago(?) so for example, Chanyeol's teaser isn't in Arizona but it was recorded in a place called Caldes de Montbui near Barcelona.

AND in THIS case it has been recorded in not other place but Girona, MY CITY. When I started to watch the video I already knew it wasn't Lyon because of what I've told you earlier but... I DID NOT EXPECT to see our cathedral.. When I saw the stairs I started shaking while freaking out... I mean, Girona's suuuuuuuuch a beautiful place and I'm sooo happy he was able to see a tiny bit of it ♥♥

Also these streets, stairs and all that is where I pass by to go to my University, everyday, E V E R Y D A Y. And you don't know how obsessed I am with those lights... I'm so happy :_




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Marianations #1
De fet em vaig trobar el Tao per la Rambla també lol
Marianations #2
Ja veus. Tinc familia a Lyon i quan vaig veure el teaser vaig parar i pensar i dic, 'Però si això és Girona ?!'