I need to let out my thoughts right now

So I just thought everything was going well, I have my internship, I am preparing to move out soon (my granny and me are still waiting for apartment offers though), I will apply for a job at one of my favourite clothing stores and writing goes kinda well, too now. (I updated my XiuChul Story 3 times last week with around 14k words in total and am writing the next update already plus my update for my sekai story)

What stayed the same is just that my parents are still annoying and ing on me and everything.

What's even more annoying and kind of bringing me close to a break down is that I went to my doctor today again and he said again that I don't fit 100 % genetically into my family. People who know more about me and know what happened last year will know that it is shocking me. Right now I am at a point though where I am just disappointed into my family and don't even want to know anymore if my dad is my biological dad or not. 

Ugh, I just can't anymore right now. 

If you want to cheer me up leave comments here or on my stories, idk xD I need lots of love today ... And I don't wanna bother my girlfriend too much, she's having it rough lately too and doing a lot for me already ...

Also, I wanna open a small Line rp, anyone who is interested in plotting and creating it with me?


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Honestly, I don't know the feeling, but I have brothers and sisters who have other biologocal fathers or mothers than my own, and I feel like whether or not your father is biologically yours, it doesn't make yourself or the fact that he is your father any different. You are loved, and that's what I think should matter.
I hope you can find a time and place where you can really be happy, soon, and I want you to think positively. Cheer up! Live goes on, and I know you'll enjoy what it has to offer down the line xD
Good luck with moving, your internship, and your job btw! I'm about to do all of the same, and I'm kind of stressed out . lol
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Dun worry alright..
Dun be too stress...

We r here for euu alright..
Cheer up and hwaiting..
Cheer up ♥ Fighting♥ sometimes I have this feeling too ㅠㅠ both my parents have double eye lid and I don't have it x.x
Don't worry. You have me to love.hahaha~
And I will love you also, so cheer up!