Please read.

Hi, so currently i caugh onto INFINITE and yea, I'm an inspirit. So to celebrate my new personal bias, INFINITE with their oh-so-original-and-gorgeous members, please read this fanfic.

Its a story about you and Myungsoo. Sorry no romance, just had to keep things neutral. Please note:

1) I'm not at the point where I'm falling head over heels with the visual, L or Myungsoo so please don't pressure me to do that oh-so mushy stuff. I'm not ready for that. 

2) If you're a well-loved obssession is L, you may not like my fanfic. -> note, i had written neutral. There will be few brother sister moments but not kissing, i think^^ and no (thar thar, don't think erted!)

3) Brother-sister kinda story. Keep it sweet and simple.

4) Only those who are my friends can read it. I have made it for friends only. I'm not ready to share it to the world....

5) If you don't want to read it, its fine. Just letting out some pressure of mine from school with this fic. So if i don't update, so be it. I'm busy. Mianhe.

Kk, so done with the intros.

Heres the story link below:


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