My Dream Goals ✌


My friend is a great Manga Drawer. So good in fact, it looked so life-like and you could have imagined the story line (even though it wasn't met to be...) that's how terrific she was. And so, I told her how I imagined how her drawings would look like if it was like a story. She was amazed, which of course, made me suprised. So then, I finally expressed my ideas to her and she said 

"Oh my gosh! You should be my Writer! We will make such great Manga together!" 

We both were squealing and jumping up and down like a child would have done, and planned our future ahead of us. So if we do make a Manga, you'd check it out. Right? Okay, here's another one. It also involves the admiration of Writing. (As you can see, Writing is a big impact in my life).

I at writing stories. Haha.

But ehh...I'll give it a shot. So my dream job is to be a Writer. Although I can be insecure about me and my writing, I'll do whatever it takes just to succeed in the things I have adored all along, writingLol. Yeah, others are like so creative and amazing, on the other hand, mine is so imperfect. Anyways, I just love Asian Fanfics, if it was never created, I would have never met such great people like you.  Thank you for everything. Even wasting your time reading this. Haha. I appreciate it. (:

P.S. I have never said this but I love you (っ◔‿◔)っ♡

Sincerely: Happy Virus 



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Omg~ that's so cool! I'll check it out~ huhu~ and it's really similar to something me and my friend wanna do~ except ours is gonna be an anime and we're gonna collect a ton of good looking idols and put our ships together~ lmao~ but yours sounds cool!!

Nah you're a great writer bby!