Fruit Ice Cream

I was watching Japanese recipe videos on YouTube with my little, and I hadn't eaten in probably sixteen hours or something, so these videos made me extremely hungry. However, where I live has very limited acces to Japanese or Korean ingrediants, but I still wanted food, just not western food. I was/am also craving bubble tea because bubble tea is life. Anyway, so I layed down on the couch, because my stomach was hurting, and sulked in a pretty ridiculus mini tamptrum-type thing, because we don't have anything to make bubble tea or melonpan, and naturally that made me sad. Then my little sister asked what I wanted, so I asked for fruit, and she brought me a banana, an apple, and an orange. We ended up making fruit salad, that she claimed tasted like fruit ice cream. And here is the recipe.

Fruit ice cream

It's really just a glorified fruit salad

It tastes good though


Two bananas, one apple, one orange, plain greek yogurt, vanilla extract

1. Chop all the fruit into bite sized, or smaller pieces and put in a large bowl

2. In a smaller bowl, combine about three large(and I mean large this is probably a cup and a half of yougurt) spponfuls of yogurt, and a big splash of vanilla, and mix. The amount of vanilla is up to you-i accidentally spilled a little too much into the yogurt and I thought it would taste bad, but that's what made it taste like ice cream. Of course you could use vanilla yogurt, but we didn't have any, so thats why i tried to make my own.

3. Put the yogurt mixture into the fruit and mix together.

4.And you're done!

-you can use any type of fruit or yogurt this is just what i had

-it's pretty good

-I only made this post as an excuse to fangirl over my little sister(shes three)

(this is one of those recipes you would find in the American Girl Magazine lol)

I love the blog option on here, because I can just talk about what ever the hell i want, and if ppl care, they will read it, and if they don't, then they won't read it. It's pretty simple. Plus when I've bugged my friends with my random thoughts nobody cares about too often, I can just post them here and baboom life is good. iamneverapologizingforthewayiactagainwellunlessibrokealaworsomethingbutforjustbeingmyselfimnotsayingsorry



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