Introducing the characters for my new story~!

STORY LINK: Who Are You?



Jeon Sora

She has long, slightly wavy brown hair and hazel colored eyes.

Sora is a rather quiet person, she doesn't approach people first or talk much with other people whom aren't close to her, thus she comes off as a cold person to others.

She and her best friend, Riyong, have known each other since they were kids. In their previous school, they were known as the Ice Twins, simply because both of them were always around each other, and barely socialised with any other student. Didn't really help that they always put on similar expressions, thus 'twins'.


Kim Riyong

Riyong is tall and slim, but not skinny. He stands at 190cm with a rather built body, sharp features and a cold stare that shuns people from trying to approach him.

He has naturally golden-brown colored hair, but dyed it to an icy blue color. His eyes are jet black, and one can almost see their reflection in his dark orbs if they dared to look at him closely enough for that.

Like Sora, he doesn't approach or talk to people and comes off as an even colder person than Sora because of his sharp and menacing features.


Kamogari Yuta

Yuta is also rather tall, standing at 183cm, just slightly shorter than Riyong. Yuta is Japanese, as you can tell from his name.

He has wide eyes and soft features, which make him look gentle and caring, a huge contrast from the previous two. Yuta has naturally dark brown colored hair, and his eyes are a beautiful amber color.

He is the one who takes care of everyone around him, and quite a social butterfly. He gets along well with almost every student as well, being a part of the student council had led him to meet most students.


Yoon Jisol

Jisol is rather short compared to most people, he is 170cm.

However, his cheerful personality sets him aside from others and he's one of the 'popular kids' in the school. 

Jisol is a great vocalist and can dance well too. 

He has dyed his hair a silverish-purple color, and his eyes are a sea of blue.


Non-OCs ;

Oh Sehun;

Sehun is known as the Ice Prince of SSA, better known as Seoul School of Arts.

He doesn't talk to the other students except his group of 11 other friends, Exo and his student council members.

Despite coming off as such a cold person, he is very cheeky when alone with s.


Kim Jongin; aka Kai

Jongin is the exact opposite of Sehun. He is a social butterfly as well, and a playboy.

Jongin knows almost every student in the school, and is surprisingly, a part of the student council as well.


✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣


A/N; I do have pictures of what I'd imagine them to be, but I'm gonna leave you guys to imagine for yourselves how they look like.

First chapter will be out soon, maybe later today, if not tomorrow. Please give lots of love to 'Who are you?' ~


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