Sxsw adventures

Today was the day my family and I decided to go to SXSW. If you don't know what SXSW is, it's a hugeass music/film/art festival held during spring break. A ridiculous number of bands flood in, and the traffic becomes unbareble. But it's super cool, 'cause you get to see a lot of weird/interesting people, such as the Violin Monster, a man who plays the violin while dressed up as a werewolf. 

It all started off with us walking into downtown, which is really pretty in itself. The closer you get to downtown, the crazier it gets. Once we got downtown we went to the convention center to check out the art. I got a bunch of cool business cards, all for free of course. There was a band playing at the convention center too, and since I knew my teacher's boyfriend played in the band I decided to look for her. This wasn't really hard since my teacher has electric pink hair and has quite a few tattoos. I got to meet up with my old teacher, catch up, and went on my own way. 

There were a lot of weirdly dressed people downtown, mostly people in costume. I got to see the Violin Monster, guys dressed up as the teenage mutant ninja turtles, a guy giving out his mixtapes (they were kinda fire), a girl in a giant hello kitty costume who was looking for money to pay for her college tuition, a woman who had covered herself in paint and stood still as if she was a statue, a guy in his underwear with a guitar (ew), some guy on drugs spinning around flags like a drunk, a lady holding a giant origami dragon, a man with a giant middle finger sign and much more. We continued to wander around, hearing the super loud music from clubs, which ranged anywhere from folk, to edm, to punk and to hip-hop. Some music was loud (most of the venues), some was really loud (the worldstar hiphop stand comes to mind) and some were so loud that I wondered if the musicians ee had eardrums anymore (the main. The bass was so loud my teeth vibrated). There were some really cool street artists, like a band that used plastic tubs as drums. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't go to any of the shows at SXSW like Epik High and Crayon Pop (too expensive!) or Keith Ape's show (not old enough). I guess I'll just have to pray that there will be good line ups when I'm 21 and/or rich enough to buy nice tickets. Walking around on the street and listening to bands is a free way to get to go to concerts so I'm not gonna complain. Besides, in my walk I came across a Brisk lemonaid stand, and they were giving out FREE DRINKS. If there's one thing I love, it's free . Everything tastes better when it's free, even water. Brisk lemonaid already tastes great anyways, so that just made my day even better. 

I also embarrassed the crap out of myself today. I went to sxsw and was walking around with my family, watching all the street performers because they literally cover 75% of the place. So we walk past this group of guys, two of them holding guitars, and pause, because we thought they were gonna start playing music. The group of guys just stares at us like we're crazy and begin to talk in Korean, probably saying something along the lines of "why the hell are these people staring at us like we're gonna do something special". We just kinda stare at eachother for a minute until I realize they're not a band and hightail it out of there. 

On my way back home I got to get boba tea and egg rolls, and stopped by a candy shop. In all, I had walked for about 3.5 hours. My legs are sore, but it was worth it. Until next year, SXSW. 


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I was gonna say, how was Epik High?! Lol.
damn that sounds fun.
Dude that sounds hella fun! We never have stuff like that here!
I saw that Epik High went to Austin so they were there! I wish i was there haha
Dang. Sounds like you had a blast.

So wait, anyone who wants to perform can basically go around that area around that time to perform or like they should speak with the person arranging that ahead of time?
That huge dragon origami must have looked amazing! I like origami so like if that was really a huge dragon it must have required a lot of work!
Your teacher has pink hair and tattoos... Teachers may be not even hired here if they did that XD But I guess things differ from one country to another.
But I guess you had fun so good for you! :)