Sorry :(

Hey guys! Sorry if I hadn't updated much these past few days and sorry if my updates weren't that long and if the updates were boring. I've been really busy studying for our exams next week and my coauthor Jominhyung got hospitalized so I did all the writing and editing myself. Anyway, let's all pray for her recovery. If you have any suggestions for the next chapters, please post on my wall, comment, or send me a message. Don't worry, I'll be giving you credit for your ideas. Thanks :)


*As a bonus, I'll just add funny macros I've seen on the internet. 









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i'll pray for her health too... don't worry co'z God is always there to help us...
Awww Well I will pray for her recovery! the pics at the end were amazing though, I still hope she gets better and I hope all your hard work pays off!
heechul4ever #3
WAHAHHA! the pictures are too funny for me to handle XDDD
Jomihyung unnie is in the hospital??

Hope she gets well soon!!

Good luck on your exams too!!
unnie,why is jominhyung unnie in the hospital?!!!
hope she gets better, jominhyung,fighting!!!
Why is she in the hospital!???? I hope she gets better!!!
Why is Jominhyung in the hospital? I hope she gets better soon~
Haha! Love the macros! They're effing hilarious! XDDDD
Poppy1231 #8
Aww get better!
OMG! WHY IS SHE HOSPITALIZED?! I hope she get better soon~